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Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Achu achu what do I do

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Yes, I need your help

I dont like to cough cough cough
I don't want to sneeze achu
I'm going to my doctor
He will help me

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Achu achu what do i do

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
Yes, I need your help

Look at my throat ahh ahhh
Listen to my heart
With your medicine
I will be alright

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
achu achu what do I do

Cough cough cough
Doctor help me, please
With your medicine
I will be alright

With your medicine
I will be alright

Hints and Tips:

  • Use actions
  • Can also be included when learning about community and people who help

Burcu Plt, "Cough Cough Song", YOUTUBE, 25th March 2016

Germs can cause a runny nose
Germs from coughs and colds and flues
Stop spreading germs at home and school
Wash your hands, that's what you do!

Wash, wash, wash your hands
Get them nice and clean
Wash them on top
Wash them below and fingers in between

Germs can cause a runny nose
Germs from coughs and colds and flues
Stop spreading germs at home and school
Wash your hands, that's what you should do!
Wash your hands, that's what you should do!
Wash your hands, that's what you should do!

Hints and Tips: 

  • Can be sung with children while they are washing their hands
  • Use actions

"Germs. Germs For Kids. Wash Your Hands",  The Kidboomers, 4th December 2015

With our friends at school and play,
We share and share alike each day
I'll share a toy, you'll share a snack
You'll share with me and I'll share right back
But there is one thing that you should not share...
(Now, what was that?)

Keep your sneeze to yourself
Don't share your germs with anyone else!
Get a tissue off the shelf
And keep your sneeze to yourself!
(Achoo! More tissues!)

With our friends at school and play
We share and share alike each day
I'll share a ball, you'll share a game
You'll share with me and I'll do the same
But there is one thing that you should not share...
(Come again?)

Keep your sneeze to yourself
Don't share your germs with anyone else!
Turn your head (Achoo!)
And cover your mouth
And keep your sneeze to yourself!

Every time after a sneeze,
Give your hands a scrub - use a little soap, please!
If you think you're about to sneeze
Get a tissue off the shelf...
Turn back, and then cover your mouth...

And keep your sneeze to yourself! (Gesundheit!)
Keep your sneeze to yourself! (That's better!)
Keep... your... sneeze... to your-SELF!

Hints and Tips: 

  • Use actions while singing this song. 
  • Teach children how to sneeze, without spreading their germs

"Barney:Keep Your Sneeze To Yourself", Lyrics Wikia

Five little snowmen standing in a row. 
Each had a hat and a big red bow. 
Out came the sun and it shone all day. 
One little snowman melted away.

Four little snowmen standing in a row. 
Each had a hat and a big red bow. 
Out came the sun and it shone all day. 
One little snowman melted away.

Three little snowmen standing in a row. 
Each had a hat and a big red bow. 
Out came the sun and it shone all day. 
One little snowman melted away.

Two little snowmen standing in a row. 
Each had a hat and a big red bow. 
Out came the sun and it shone all day. 
One little snowman melted away.

One little snowmen standing all alone. 
He had a hat and a big red bow. 
Out came the sun and it shone all day. 
And the one little snowman melted away.
Now all the little snowmen melted away!

Hints and Tips

  • Also can be done with 10 Little Snowmen
  • Use visuals such as felts, or pictures etc. 
  • Use during transitions and have 5 children take turns at being snowman before washing hannds, going outside etc. 

Snowflakes snowflakes all around,
In the air and on the ground.

Some are big and some are small,
Roll them into a snowball.

When the sun comes out to play,
Watch as they all melt away!

Hints and Tips

  • Sung to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  • Actions for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Mr Sun

Category Rhymes and Songs

Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,
Hiding behind a tree.

These little children are asking you,
Please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on me.

Doo doo doo doo, doo,
Doo-doo doo-doo doo doo,
Doo-doo doo-doo doo doo.
Doo doo doo doo, doo,
Doo-doo doo-doo doo doo,
Doo-doo doo-doo doo doo.

Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,
Hiding behind a tree.

These little children are asking you,
Please come out so we can play with you.
Oh, Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on me.

Oh Mister Sun, Sun, thanks for shining down now, Sun.
Oh Mister Sun, Sun, everything is fine now, Sun.
Oh Mister Sun, Sun, thanks for shining down now, Sun.
Oh Mister Sun, Sun, everything is fine now, Sun.
Oh Mister Sun.

Hints and Tips

  • Catchy song you can sing during outdoor transition
  • Make up actions to do with each verse

There are eight planets in our solar system
We all revolve around the sun
Join us to learn about the different planets
Now sing along and have some fun

My name is Mercury
I’m the second hottest planet
The closest one to the sun
A year on my surface is 88 days
I’m the smallest but I’m lots of fun

My name is Venus
I’m the hottest planet
But the second planet from the sun
I’m the brightest planet in our solar system
And I’m to hot for any one

My name is Earth
I’m the planet you live on
The third Planet from the sun
I’m the only planet with organic life
So take care of me because we’re all one

My name is mars
I am red in color
The fourth planet from the sun
I have the highest mountain in our solar system
A volcano named Olympus Mons

There are eight planets in our solar system
We all revolve around the sun
Join us to learn about the different planets
Now sing along and have some fun

My name is Jupiter I am covered in clouds
I’m the fifth planet from the sun
My giant red spot is a raging storm
As for size I’m the biggest one

My name is Saturn I am brown in color
I’m the sixth planet from the sun
My outer rings are extremely thin
They’re made of dust and icy chunks

My names Uranus I am blue in color
I’m the seventh planet from the sun
Humans have named me the icy planet
Because I am the coldest one

My name is Neptune I am blue in color
I’m the eighth planet from the sun
I have to many storms in my atmosphere
And I’m the furthest planet from the sun

There are eight planets in our solar system
We all revolve around the sun
Join us to learn about the different planets
Now sing along and have some fun

Hints and Tips

  • Use a felt board and make some felt planets that you can use as visual representation when singing this song
  • Since it's a long song, you can learn one verse at a time, in line with the planet you are learning.

The Hello Song

Category Rhymes and Songs

Let's say "Hello!" to our friends in the U.S.A
"Bonjour!" to our friends in France
Let's say "Hola!" to our friends in Peru

Learn the words to say
And make a new friend everyday

Let's say "Ni Hao!" to our friends in China
"Priviet!" to our friends in Russia
Let's say "Jambo!" to our friends in Kenya

That was lots of fun
Now our song is done

Hints and Tips

  • You can change the first line to "Let's say "Hello" to all our friends in here". 
  • Add more greetings from different countries.

Hello Hello Hello
How are you

Hello Hello Hello 
How are you?

I'm good
I'm great 
I'm wonderful

I'm good
I'm great 
I'm wonderful

Hello Hello Hello
How are you?

Hello Hello Hello
How are you?

I'm tired 
I'm hungry
I'm not so good

I'm tired 
I'm hungry
I'm not so good

Hello Hello Hello
How are you?

Hello Hello Hello
How are you?

Hello Hello Hello
How are you?

Hello Hello Hello
How are you?

How do people greet their friends everywhere they go?
In English we all like to say "hi there" and "hello".

What do we say in other places I would like to know?
When we see brand new faces how do we say "hello"?

In German we say "hallo"
"Hallo" (children repeat)

In French "bonjour"
"Bonjour" (children repeat)

In spanish we say "ola"
"Ola" (children repeat)

Italian it's "ciao"
"Ciao" (children repeat)

Portuguese "oi"
"Oi" (children repeat)

Greek "yasoo"
"Yasoo" (children repeat)

Chinese "Ni hao"
"Ni hao" (children repeat)

Those are the way we say hello...

It's fun to learn new things to say everywhere we go,
It's fun to make new friends each day to smile and say hello!

Hints and Tips:

  • Add more greetings in different languages based on the children in the room 
  • For each greeting point to the country flag
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