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Children can create their own jellyfish and learn about these fascinating sea creatures.

Children will learn and discover the various layers of the ocean along with where marine animals live.

Encourage children to learn colours by sorting coloured pompoms into the correctly coloured block.

A simple activity for young children to visualise and understand germs and how to wash them away.

Use pom-poms to visually demonstrate how germs spread through sneezing and coughing when you do not cover the nose or mouth.

Flour Germs

To visually demonstrate how easy to spread germs when coughing and sneezing on our hands without washing them.

Visually demonstrate how rinsing with water doesn't remove germs, soap is needed. 

Salt can be used to encourage children to write their names, also a great sensory experience.

Use alphabet letters to learn to spell and recognise names.

Peg A Name

Have children identify the letters in their name for them to spell using pegs.

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