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The Question Of The Day is a free template that enables Educators to write a Question for the children to answer between two options.
Jottings are a quick and easy way to record significant events and behaviours.
The Scribbles template is for Educators to take a photo and to display the child's artwork. 
In Norway and most other Scandinavian countries, children nap in the outdoors. According, to research outdoor sleeping not only promotes better daytime sleeping, it increases the duration of sleep.
Progressive mealtimes are giving an opportunity for children to choose when they want to eat within a certain timeframe instead of eating at a set time.
The Look What I Built template is for Educators to take a photo of a child's creation in which they had built using lego, blocks, cardboard boxes etc.
On 26 January we celebrate Australia Day. A day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation.
This handbook includes information on becoming an approved provide, applying to be an approved provide, enrolling children, managing and reporting sessions of care, receiving, passing on and/or remitting subsidy payments, record keeping and more!
Child Care Documentation App

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