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From 01 July, Educators and ECT's earning the minimum pay rate as stated in the Children's Services Award 2010 and the Educational Services Teachers Award 2010, will receive a 3% increase to their pay rate.
The Queensland Kindgerten Learning Guidelines (QKLG) has been revised for implementation in 2019. Kindergarten teachers in approved and funded services will now implement the updated QKLG.
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From 01 January 2019, WA Government is banning unvaccinated and under-vaccinated children from going to school and childcare services during disease outbreaks, under new regulations.
An early childhood service operated by the University Of Wollongong has been fined more than $3000 due to giving a child food that they were allergic to twice in 6 months.
Opened on 24th November, Sydney Aquarium has introduced a brand new exhibit "Day and Night on the Reef". Children will experience state of the art technology that delivers an interactive experience in the largest Great Barrier Reef exhibit in the…
A QLD committee formed by the State government has released a report that states "one in four Queensland workers including those working in childcare, are missing out on penalty rates, being paid less than the minimum wage, being exploited through…
For Educators and Providers of OSHC Services, the Department of Education has partnered with the Early Childhood Australia to develop free online professional learning customised to meet the needs of NSW OSHC services.
There has been an outbreak of cases of whooping cough across the Hunter region and parents have been urged to keep children at home if they are displaying any symptoms.
IMPORTANT: This article title and content has been edited and some information has been retracted. Please read "Retraction in Gumnut Incident Article Published on Nov 12 2018 " for information on the corrections. NOTE: The is the story of the…
On 9th November, a four-yearly review will be conducted of the Children's Services Award 2010.
Camp Australia has received yet another fine for a safety breach when a child received chemical burns to the back of the eyelids after another child had sprayed him with hospital grade cleaner at a Camp Australia service.
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