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From July 2020, early childhood services in NSW will have to display their National Quality Standard rating under a simplified star system.
In NSW, more than 600 kindergarten students were suspended from primary schools last year.
Detectives investigating family day care fraud have charged 50 people over their alleged role in the criminal syndicate.
Tomorrow on Thursday 13th November 2019, it’s World Kindness Day.
An Educator from western Sydney has allegedly traumatised a four-year-old boy in her care by forcing the boy to sleep by holding his eyes closed, and held his tongue out of his mouth.
From 2020, the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care qualifications will be added FREE to the TAFE course list, in Victoria.
To help kids prepare for 'big school', Australian children from QLD, as young as three will be able to start primary school as part of a new pilot program KindyLinQ.
From January 2020, Childcare traineeships will be fee-free, after the NSW government has launched an initiative to make vocational government subsidised traineeships fee-free.
Retail giant KMART, introduced a series of inclusive same-sex family doll sets. The sets include either a family with two dads with two children and a dog or two mums with two children and a dog.
The Taronga Teachers’ Association annual membership for Early Childhood Teachers and Teachers in NSW enables you to enjoy unlimited entry at Taronga Zoo Sydney and Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo.
Outdoor Classroom Day on 7th November celebrates and inspires play and learning outside the classroom. It gives Teachers, Educators and Children an opportunity to spend the day learning outside. On the day, thousands of schools and early learning services around…
The Morrison Government today introduced legislation to waive the HELP debt for teachers and early childhood teachers who worked at very remote schools. Up to a maximum of five years, tuition fees could be waived which was deferred as a…
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