how do i solve these behavioural problems - I need HELP

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how do i solve these behavioural problems - I need HELP

Post by winny14 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:56 am

i am a kindergarten teacher and i am facing these problems in my classroom.
1. disturbing Behaviours such as shouting, yelling at each other, excessive talking
2. aggression: the kids are hitting and kicking each other.
3. children's refusal to speak or respond when spoken to.

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Re: how do i solve these behavioural problems - I need HELP

Post by Lorina » Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:40 am

Hi There,

Gosh must be hard going through such behaviors on a regular basis... it can be disturbing and agitating especially for children who aren't involved and of course for you.

I just wanted to ask a few questions to clarify a few things first.

1) Did these behaviors only started occurring recently?
2) Has anything in the environment changed?
3) What techniques have you tried?
4) When does these behaviors most likely occur? Morning/afternoon/afternoon lunch etc.

Don't worry Im sure we can figure this out!


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Re: how do i solve these behavioural problems - I need HELP

Post by cathiek » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:24 pm

I would also add to LA's response
Do these behaviours happen at home too?
Have you invited another teacher to come into to classroom to observe. Sometimes having fresh eyes on the behaviours really helps?
Let us know so we can offer some advice. I teach two groups of Kindy so I feel for you :)

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Re: how do i solve these behavioural problems - I need HELP

Post by winny14 » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:28 am

Thanks for responding I really appreciate it!

To answer your questions,

yes other teachers have been invited to the classroom, how ever aggression is a school wide problem. the school is in a rural community where the people there generally aggressive and loud. strange but true. the children behave in an aggressive manner.
the behaviours occur through out the day
the behaviours have been present from the beginning of the school's year.
I've tried positive reinforcement, taking away a desired activity like play time. time outs, teaching social skills.

thank you! I look forward to a speedy response.

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Re: how do i solve these behavioural problems - I need HELP

Post by Lorina » Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:11 am

How about a rewards system?

It may not be the best possible solution but at times it can be the only fix for the particular problem.

You can either do a sticker chart for each individual child where they earn stickers and when they reach a specific number they get to choose a reward from the surprise box OR you can divide the children into teams. Once the team reaches specific number of points they whole team gets a reward such as extra time on an activity, ice cream, lollies etc.

If you want to introduce this to your class, you should clearly explain your expectations first and let the children know that points/stickers will be deducted for misbehavior.

Try it and see how it goes...this may be the best option for you...


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Re: how do i solve these behavioural problems - I need HELP

Post by fchaudari76 » Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:15 pm

Clear cut rules do the trick sometimes. Let them know what behaviour is unacceptable and if they do it what the consequence would be.
Be strict and consistent.
I also find that sometimes involving the children in tasks/activities helps + knowing what they like to do. Surely at some point in time they are not having behaviour probs? When is this and what are they doing when they are quiet and not misbehaving?

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