Inclusion support position

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Inclusion support position

Post by Angel127 » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:31 pm

Good afternoon Lorina and Educators

I am currently studying my Diploma and not to far from completion. Through out the course, I have become more and more interested in inclusion support. I believe it is an aspect of care, I would like to explore further. I do not feel the Diploma goes into enough detail, for me to feel confident to just apply for a position in inclusion support. I am more than capable, I can imagine in understanding and empathy, ability to learn and adapt skills, as I have impairments myself, a child with additional learning needs, close relationships with children in my family and friend's with additional needs and disabilities, and I have many years experience working as a support worker for disadvantaged young parents and their children. But I would proffer the confidence and backing of addition qualifications. I spend a lot of time volunteering at my children's school and asked the advice and experiences of the teachers and teacher's aids at the school. Unfortunately, Primary education and Early Education, from my understanding and experience is different. When I am lucky enough, to obtain a position as an Educator or assistant Educator, in a Early Years setting, I will definitely, put my hand up for opportunities for extra learning and experience in inclusion support.

My question is, are there any Educators, that work as an inclusion support person or the relative title, there seem to be so many (children with additional needs) within the Early years, long day service?
How did you get into your role?
Do you have any suggestions on qualifications that would better my changes for working with children with additional needs, in the Early Years Long day service settings? I live in a state and area, where this is very competitive. I was thinking of maybe a Certificate III in Education Support?

I would really appreciate any advice or sharing of your personal experience.

Thank you :wave:

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Re: Inclusion support position

Post by Lorina » Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:29 pm


From my experiences working with children with additional needs, I worked with a preschooler with Autism and a child with physical disabilities in an OOSH Service. I didn't have any prior experience and I just fell into the role. Each day I learnt more and more...

I did have a look at a few jobs available for Inclusion Support Workers and the qualification requirements is a Diploma qualification (which you have) and prior experience working with children with additional needs (which you already have).

I would probably suggest if that is what you're passionate about to find a job role working with children with additional needs rather than working as an Educator in an LDC or so... the job title is Inclusion SupportWorker/Educator.

Here are some jobs currently available so you can read the job responsibilities/duties and it gives you an idea of what you can expect:

Inclusion Support Worker Jobs

Hope this helps!


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Re: Inclusion support position

Post by Angel127 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:54 pm

Hi Lorina

thank you for sharing your own personal experiences and your knowledge on the situation.

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Re: Inclusion support position

Post by Lorina » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:16 pm

You’re most welcome!

I hope you find a job that you enjoy where you can use your experience!


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