Scenario: Helen and Kate

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Scenario: Helen and Kate

Post by seep » Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:56 pm

In my openion if Kate really wants to spend more time on puzzle table and don't want to paint the care worker should not insist on that as exceptonal days are OK sometimes for kids.its batter to let her spend her time according to her own wish rather then getting her upset and with an upset mind she would probebly not be able to spend time in doing painting.I don't agree with the worker's approach as she is definitly pressurising Kate.Its batter if we allow kids to decide for themselves what they enjoy doing.I would probebly ask Kate to make a promise that when she will be finished with puzzles she will spend some time on painting the childcare worker didn't respect child's decision and forced her to leave the play while taking her chair out in my openion its batter to let kid spend her time on puzzle table if she was enjoying it and should ask her to make a promise for painting after that before pack up time.
It is important to remember that children will favor some experiences over others. This is okay as long as we use this focus to develop experiences and emerging skills.As caregivers we need to be very aware of the developmental progress of the children in our care. Through observation and consultation we should be able to identify where their strengths lie, what they are interested in and how they relate to the environment around them.If you use children’s interests as a base you are saying to the child I value the skills you have and this will encourage them to try other things. If you took the path of not allowing the child to participate in their interest in order to focus on other area of development you are most likely going to develop confusion, hostility and damage their self-confidence.

what do you think is my response OK? or what else can I add in it?thanks for the help

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Re: Scenario: Helen and Kate

Post by Lorina » Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:09 am

I don't know what the scenario is... Something about the educator pressuring the child to paint?

Anyway, your response is fine, except I wouldn't make the child "promise" to paint when she finishes the puzzle. If a child doesn't want to do it, let it be. Give them the option that when they feel like doing it then it is available for them to do... You can encourage a child to paint but if they don't show any interest at that time or engaged in another activity then try again another time...

Hope this helps,


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