Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

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Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by Tabitha » Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:42 pm


I am not sure if this is the right place

I wanted to ask you all, the government say there's a skills shortage in childcare but I can not get a job in a centre, here in launceston, tasmania. It is rare a job comes up and when they have I do not get a fair look in, the closest was a phone interview where the lady gave me the job and said she would ring back in the next two weeks but three weeks later after an email and phone call from me, both unanswered i get an email from them saying i didn't get the job... which left me annoyed and confused as the previous phone call the interviewer gave me the job.... i am not naming them as that is not right even though they did the wrong thing already,they are quite well known with centres all around the country...

I have dropped off my resume, even though some of them threw my resume in the bin, but that's happened at other businesses too, tried gumtree and facebook with only being told about family day care and in home care. i do not want to do family day care, looking at in home care. Should i try putting an ad in the local newspaper?

I know some people have said to relocate but I do not want to , my friends and family are here and I am paying off a mortgage, which I would not get another house for the same price anywhere else....

All of this is making me think I have wasted my time doing the study for something I cant get a chance to do and think about giving up on the diploma as its really hard and unfair, i want to be in a job that makes me happy, i am treated fairly, respected and are helping others, unlike my current job where i am miserable and have been applying for another job for the past three years with no success......

rant over. thank you for reading.what should i do?
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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by Lorina » Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:32 am

They throw you resume in the bin! That's ridiculous!

So I had a look at Launceston, Tasmania and there are only about 20 child care centres in your area so I'm sure it is competitive if a job becomes available. How about putting your name down to work as a casual at some of the centres. I know that casual work is never consistent and it doesn't guarantee you a steady income but it may be a start. How about before and after school care, have you tried with them? It may be another option if you cannot find a position within an LDC. Another option I can think of is a nanny. It may not be exactly what you want but it may help pay for your bills until you find something that you are looking for. If you find the right family to nanny for, it will be consistent work and a stable income.

List Of Child Care In Launceston

Just keep trying I'm sure something will pop up eventually...

OH! Don't give up your diploma. Stick to it!

Hope you find something!


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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by Tabitha » Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:49 pm

That is the problem. ... I have been to all the centres and dropped off my resume with no luck

I have tried an add on Facebook and ignored

I have tried an add on gumtree with only option of family daycare or in home care

I am really frustrated as I am doing my best for what? Nothing

It nakes ne angry that theres a lady I know of in a centre but doesn't want to be there and she won't leave and let someone else have a fair chance.

So I don't t what else I can do as every other thing I tried fails. That is why I feel like I wasted my time and effort studying.

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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by Lorina » Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:16 am

I'm sorry that you are being ignored. You are eagerly awaiting to start your career and this is one big hurdle you have to face. It completely is unfair and it seems like you have tried everything in your power to get a centre job within your area. If you don't want to relocate then find a different job in your area and work there until a centre position becomes available. How about working at a play centre? Treasure Island or Kids Paradise? I'm just throwing option out there for you... You may not be able to work in a centre itself for now but you can possible still be involved in working with children...


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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by Tabitha » Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:50 am

Thanks Lorina :)

I actually never thought of Treasure Island or Kids paradise

Not sure why play centres didn't occur to me

I have thought a teacher aide but for that you need to apply on the tasmanian government website when theres an opening. That website application process confuses me a little so I keep missing thoses opportunities. .... I should see if I can apply in writing.

I am going to an in home care (nanny) induction at the northern children network at the end of the month.

The thing is the information they emailed me says it could take sone time to get work. ....

If it does I hope that doesn't take long or I can get part time work else where, I have other skills and qualifications but my childcare qualifications are the most recent, certificate three was last year the year before that I did a two night barista course so I could hopefully get in a cafe for the short period before in hone care picks up.

Thank you Lorina :)

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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by Tabitha » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:27 am

here's my update...........

I emailed both treasure Island and Kids Paradise with an expression of interest if any positions came available and got ignored. I had found and applied fr a casual educator job with centacare's oshc program which took them two months to get in touch with me and set up an interview which was unsuccessful......... I have sent an expression of interest email to the after school program I did part of my placement with and got an email back saying they have enough educators, I cant contact the other place for a job as they are family daycare.
the only options available now are to continue with my diploma and take my resume around to all the centres in the new year, and if there's any teacher aide jobs going apply for those............... I know that to work as a teacher's aide you don't need any qualifications but would it be worth while looking at or would it be redundant as I will have my diploma? I was also thinking about doing cert 4 in after school care but the same question is there...

I know that I shouldn't let it get me down but it is quite depressing and unfair....which leads me to wonder why the government has been saying there's a shortage in childcare when there is no shortage here.....

My reasons for not wanting to relocate are all my family and friends are here, I am working in an office which isn't what I want to do, I have a morgate and believe it would be hard to sell my house quickly as there's plenty of houses on the market that have been there for a while, I find it extremely hard to make new friends as people generally ignore me and I don't think I could cope.

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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by Tabitha » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:37 am

Just remembered I forgot to say about the in home carer.... I want to the induction the trainer was nice up until it was just her and me then she was a nasty b!*@h.... kept saying that it wasn't a viable option, basically she told me to give up..... she kept saying " I know how you feel" which infuriated me as she didn't, if she did she would have let me have the chance to talk and explain myself, she was lucky I didn't slap her and tell her she was very fake and a nasty person. She said I should drop a day off work to volunteer at a centre which I would already have if I could afford to but I can't as I had already considered that but couldn't say as she wouldn't give me a fair opportunity to speak....... I think she was like that as she teaches cert 2 at college one day a week, and I didn't go to that college or do cert 2 with her I did cert 3 online which had nothing to do with her but she was nasty as she was jealous...

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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by wimble » Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:50 pm

Unfortunately you are living in a very low demand location, if you were in Sydney or Melbourne you would have a job within a day of moving. As you are unable to move the only thing to do is to stick it out in your current job and keep applying for jobs, something WILL come up but it may take time. I would not be committing to do any further study at this stage as a diploma will be enough to meet requirements for assistant or room leader positions. At this point I would be getting more proactive, merely emailing centres with expressions of interest is not enough, I would be visiting centres directly and promoting myself, a charming personality and good presentation can make a huge difference. Centres are always looking to increase their pool of casual workers and if you can make a good impression they may put you on the books. In this situation all it may take is for them to give you one shift, if you impress them with your enthusiasm and work ethic they may make an offer for more permanent position. Don't be too aggressive but stay positive and be confident!

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Re: Frustrated - No Jobs Available In A Centre

Post by burgerbunz » Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:19 pm

Hi Tabitha
I'm Amanda, and I live just out of Launceston. I'm in exactly the same boat!!! I couldn't get a place for my first prac last year- as all the centres had UTAS students or TASTAFE and I was with an interstate provider. It's very much about who you know down here, not what you know unfortunately. We moved here from the Mainland looking for work and it's bitten us hard! I can't offer advice, but I'm in the same position--and i'm mature aged which doesn't help either- i'm not 16- i'm double that and entering the industry. I was offered a job with a centre when we moved here, like you, and i rang 4 weeks later to find out what was happening…no job…i never had it to start with (they said everyone in the room had a job---maybe i was too close to the window!!!). I'm currently working in in disability and mental health-- maybe the experience will help- if not, at least it's something- casual- I can't get part time or full time work. I think at the end of the day, if i've spend a lot of time putting effort into this course, i'm going to use it- and i will find a way to use it- even if it isn't in childcare, and I end up disability permanently. I think Tasmania is just a terrible place to be for employment at the moment- unless you are prepared to move to the mainland (and the cost associated with it), you may just have to stick it out ( in a nice way ).

If you want to email me- you are welcome to.


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