A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

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A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by Natura » Wed May 14, 2014 9:54 pm

Good evening!

I want to share with you about How Sad I feel now for not having passed the assessment before the Family Day Care in our area.

Two years ago, when our baby was 1YO, my husband and I planned to have a FDC in order to have an income working from home and also looking after our baby and
offering the services of looking after, and become an educator for another 3 children.
Last year 2013 we attended the information session but I dont know why we missed the date to confirm if we wanted to have the risk assessment done last year.
Last year in July, I started doing my certificate III in Childhood Services and I am about to finish the course.
This year, with enthusiasm my husband and I attended the evening session and gladly we had the risk assessment done.
My son is now three and unfortunately I have not been able to find a FDC in our estate because all the FDCs are full.

Today was a sad day, when I received the phone call from the Manager of the FDC program, saying that she would love to keep the application to be assessed next year.
According to her, They chose 2 other suitable candidates for this area, because they have more experience and have been working in the childcare sector and also because these people have been in the waiting list of becoming a registered FDC'er since last year.

If they have a list of people who have been waiting to be a registered FDC'er since last year, Why do they bother to have an information session for new educators?
The FDC manager said to me, That I need more experience. I wonder: If being a mother of 2 children, 15 and 3 years old and also studying a Cert III in Childhood services, is not enough experience to start a FDC?

I feel blessed doing the certificate III I have learnt lots of ideas on how to observe and reflect on my chil,'s development. but How and why I could not get this opportunity? I have been doing engineering jobs with companies for more than 10 years, but once they don't need you, they will get rid of you. I value my family so much and I was looking forward to working from home and bringing my child up while offering the education services to other children.

Sorry to let the steam off but I would like to hear from other FDC'ers if they happen to be in the same situation as I am at the moment.
I am doing all of this, cert III and even thinking of studying the diploma and to start my own business, but I wonder now if this is just a waste of time. sniff! sniff!

Natura. :?

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Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by Lorina » Thu May 15, 2014 5:44 am

I'm so sorry that you aren't able to begin your FDC business! It seems to me like you're very eager and ready to get started and it must be so frustrating for you at the moment! I don't know much about FDC myself but I have just read that you need to be approved by a Family Day Care service before starting your FDC which I wan't aware of. So, I'm guessing this is what is stopping you...

How are you going to gain experience if you are not given a shot? Do you have to compete with others to open up an FDC in your area? Why do you have to wait for next year? What happens if next year they still don't accept you? I'm sure you are wondering the same... I think you will find that more educators are moving away from LDC to running their own FDC and if that's the case they do have more experience and possibly a higher qualification than you resulting in you being left out. It doesn't mean you won't get an opportunity it just means you have to wait longer and gain more experience. It's unfair I completely agree!

Gaining a qualification is never a waste of time! You can use your qualification for other purposes such as working in an LDC if you wanted too but I know you want an FDC business for yourself. In the meantime you need to work out whether you are going to wait, join LDC or even work casually to gain more experience.

Don't give up. It is a minor set back, it will work out in the end!


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Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by nikki patel » Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:09 pm

untill now as i know that you can run family day care if you have certificate III in child care as i had experince before working in fdc scheme and you need to have family day care ragistration in WA i dont know where you live
i hope it helps you . yo can also ragister with scheme and then they can help you out.

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Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by zaves » Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:22 pm

Hi Natura,

I'm really sorry to hear about your experience in trying to gain a spot at your local FDC scheme.
I too will be applying through my local council next week for a position but I have researched other FDC schemes that are available to me should I not be successful in gaining a spot through my local council.

I'm not sure where abouts you are but you can always apply through other FDC schemes, just do a google search of family day available in your area and contact them. If you need help just let me know and I will try and do some searching for you.

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linsaa fdc
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Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by linsaa fdc » Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:06 pm

Hi Natura and Zaves,

I really hope by now you have found a FDC scheme as doing FDC its very rewarding. I have been an Educator in FDC for 17 years now. I have looked after little ones 6 weeks old and say goodbye to them when they start high school, but as they are a part of my family we keep in contact all the time. There are many FDC schemes around just like Zaves mentioned and just because one doesn't accept you doesn't mean others won't. I don't actually understand why you have to wait. In my area in QLD we have lots of centers and lots of FDC schemes. As every family has different needs it is an asset for a scheme to have many Educators in an area because we are all different and offer a unique service. It also doesn't matter if you are new because we link long term Educators with new ones and we all help, support each other and work together. Our scheme just north of Brisbane has just taken on educators from a scheme in Townsville that closed up shop. I am not sure how that all works out for visits etc but they have obviously worked it out or it wouldn't be happening so that also could be another option for you, looking for a scheme outside of your area.
I wish you both success
linsaa fdc :thumbup

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Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by zaves » Sat Feb 28, 2015 9:08 pm

Thanks linsaa fdc :)


Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by Natura » Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:09 pm

Dear everyone.

Thanks for your thoughts about my post.
I want to share with you that my hubby and I are working towards to get a registration with a Private FDC scheme. We got into the scheme without all the
hassles that the councils always has for those who want to start their own business as educators.
I am thrilled with the idea of having my family day care, being at home and working from home. This is a dream.


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linsaa fdc
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Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by linsaa fdc » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:14 am

Hi Natura,
Very happy for you, keep us posted :thumbup:


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Re: A bit sad with the outcome of the FDC Family Day Care program for new educators

Post by Lorina » Thu Mar 05, 2015 5:14 am

Natura wrote:Dear everyone.

Thanks for your thoughts about my post.
I want to share with you that my hubby and I are working towards to get a registration with a Private FDC scheme. We got into the scheme without all the
hassles that the councils always has for those who want to start their own business as educators.
I am thrilled with the idea of having my family day care, being at home and working from home. This is a dream.


Hi Nat,

I'm so happy to hear that you're finally able to follow your dream... I know it's been a long road to get to this point but it's great that you can finally turn your dream into a reality!

Can't wait for you to open up your home as an FDC and hear how it goes!


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