Need Advice as a New Room Leader for 0-18 months old children

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Need Advice as a New Room Leader for 0-18 months old children

Post by dulciean » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:59 am

:P Hello All! I have been reading all the great input on the Forum here and have already gleaned so much info !Now it is my turn to ask for some help. I have just been offered a position in a new Centre as the Room Leader for the 0-18 month babies. I have my Certificate III in Children's Services, and a couple of years' Centre based experience mostly with the 3-5 year olds. Am wondering how others have created a great Room for their Babies, as I understand its; quite a different situation with such young charges! What are the most essential considerations when panning/programming for this Group? And what have others done to make it a great place for the babies, their families, and staff? Looking forward to your responses..Have a lovey day ! SarahM

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Re: Need Advice as a New Room Leader for 0-18 months old children

Post by Lorina » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:52 pm

Hi Sarah,

Congratulations on your exciting job offer! Yes, the babies room is quite different and they do keep you on your toes. I got a few ideas for you regarding your room...

1) Take plenty of photos of the babies, interacting with other children, playing with activities and other carers and put these photos at their view so they can see them.

2) Set up different areas in the room that the babies can explore such as books, sensory, blocks, dramatic play (dress ups, dolls, stuffed animals work well).

3) If it's possible provide a long mirror that's stuck on the wall (cuz baby's love to look at themselves)

4) Have photos of each babies family (you can create a family tree).

5) It's hard to do creative experiences with the little ones but you can do different textured painting by adding glitter, sand, dirt, etc. It's a good idea to hang artwork around the room with a couple of photos of the children creating that particular piece of art and a description of the artwork.

Hopefully some of these ideas can get you started!


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Re: Need Advice as a New Room Leader for 0-18 months old children

Post by dulciean » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:16 am

:D hi L.A
Thankyou for this great information, I will definately be using these ideas to create a fabulous room for my little ones. It's going to be hectic, but I am so excited to get things going! muchly appreciated.
Sarah x

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