How to celebrate a 'non christmas' christmas time

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How to celebrate a 'non christmas' christmas time

Post by dustymoon » Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:56 pm

I work in a neohumanist centre where we are non denominational and non discriminatory toward ALL specialized holidays. "We just dont celebrate or promote ANY specila times except birthdays for the children.It is my first 'christmas' at the centre and I am wondering if anyone has any ideas about room decorations, special gifts, special phrases, words, activities ANYTHING that will help us embrace the holiday spirit in december with out celebrating "CHRISTMAS"......

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Re: How to celebrate a 'non christmas' christmas time

Post by Lorina » Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:26 pm

I've never heard of a neo humanist centre so I've been doing some research about it. I think it's a wonderful philosophy to instil to children. The schools are fantastic. Set among acres of land, rain forests and surrounded by nature. The teaching of values, meditation and yoga to children gives then a sense of self and spirituality. Is this how your centre is? Do you have a guru that you follow at the centre? What else do the children learn? Do you follow EYLF?

I am particular interested in a neo humanist school called ananda marga river school. It also has an early childhood centre attached. I really am considering sending my child there for school when the time comes. There is also pone in Sydney... I'm absolutely in love with it. Sorry if I've gone off your topic but I just wanted to my thoughts on neo humanist education from what I've read in the last 15 minutes... :giggle:

Instead of celebrating Xmas you can celebrate the season of summer. Hot days, swimming at the beach, eating ice cream, travelling with family, the weather etc. Maybe you can do a beach theme within your room. Decorate the room as a beach.. Add kiddy pool, beach chairs, beach towels, beach balls, beach umbrellas, sand buckets, sand, shells, shovels etc. You could make little rock pools or pretend ones using real rocks then add craft crabs, fish etc. You could also make your own little ice cream parlour.

I'm just excited to see another way of learning and I'm very interested in reading more about it.

Hope this gives you some ideas,


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Re: How to celebrate a 'non christmas' christmas time

Post by dustymoon » Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:41 am

Lorina it is the most wonderful centre to work in and I feel truly blessed. We do use the NQF and EYLF and where I have worked in other main stream LDC that struggle with ways to cover all aspects of the NQS and EYLF, I feel that our philosophy and general environment make it so easy for us. Where other places are working their buts off introducing new information and concepts to teach children, we dont face the same challenges because those concepts are simply a part of our every day practices, and our children know no different.
Ironically the river school ECC you talk of is where I work and I cant recommend it highly enough. My son will complete his kindy year there in 4 weeks and then go to the 'big school' for prep next year. The changes I see in him over the course of 12 months are mind blowing. ( and yes we have the govt approved kindy program am too ! )

Thank you for your ideas and actually taking the time to research and discover how wonderful a neo humanist education can be
big love xx

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Re: How to celebrate a 'non christmas' christmas time

Post by Lorina » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:48 pm

What a small world! Can't believe you are part of that wonderful school! I am jealous! :lol:

I thought there is one is Sydney but there isn't... Only 3 in all Oz at the moment which is a real shame! The area where the school is situated is beautiful. It's like in the middle of the valley... I still got a few more years before my little one is ready for school so there is no rush but like I said its something I'm considering at the moment.

Even though schooling is a few years off, I'm still weighing all my options. Even the surrounding areas offer peace and tranquility. I am currently in India atm and have spent a lot of time here over the past 5 years. My mother in law has an ashram in a village here so I understand the importance of spirituality and being true to ones self, ideas and philosophies of life. Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to this school..

Kinda off topic but with enrolments I suspect there to be a huge waiting list for prep and the primary school. How far in advance do we need to enrol?

I seriously wouldn't have known about this school if you haven't posted on this forum!


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Re: How to celebrate a 'non christmas' christmas time

Post by dustymoon » Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:46 pm

So glad that you have found out about our amazing school :)
As for enrollments, they happen in the final months of the year for the next year. Usually children who have attended the kindy are garenteed a place should they wish to take it, then they open the enrollments to the public. This year it was in the first few days of November. As I understand it the spots filled up quite quickly and this year there was only 24 positions available for the whole prep class.

Your like in India sounds breath taking , you are so blessed !
Thanks for the chat :)

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Re: How to celebrate a 'non christmas' christmas time

Post by Lorina » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:03 am

Thanks for providing me with the info and opening my eyes to another form of learning...

I'll see you around the forum! :wave:


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