Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

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Miss Kerry
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Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Miss Kerry » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:28 pm

Hi Everyone,

I have finally paid for my entire Advanced Diploma and feel great about that, which means no more procrastinating!

I have opted to complete it through RPL as I have been in an assistant directors role since 2006 and filled in for directors for several months at a time, so I'm sure I can do it!

I just seem to lack motivation and support right now :-(. I have four chidren of my own and work full-time and sometimes it's just overwhelming. Everyone seems to need something from me all the time!! :-p.

Any words of wisdom on time management?? Anyone come up with a magic spell that creates enough hours in the day to get everything done? :lol:

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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Lorina » Wed Jul 04, 2012 5:52 pm

Hi Miss Kerry,

Congratulations on beginning your advance diploma course... Since you've paid for it, there is no going back so the sooner you get it complete the better... I know what you mean about being motivated, I blame it on the weather! Lol... Nah it definitely can be hard sometimes to get going but I'm sure once you start, you'll be right!

I don't have a magic spell to create more hours in the day coz if I did I'll be using it myself..hahaha... Maybe you can set yourself some small goals to achieve throughout the day or set yourself an hour or 2 during the day to work on your advance diploma. For e.g. From 10am to 11am each day you can work on your RPL. If you make this a habit then it should become part of your routine!!

Don't you think that before you start something, you seem to have a lot of free time and then you think to yourself "oh this will be great, I got lots of time to get this and this done" but then when you start something a million other things suddenly pop up! :lol:

Don't worry it will all work out, you paid for it so you have to do it now.

STOP READING THIS AND DO IT... Hahahahahahaha.... ;)

Cheers :geek:,

Miss Kerry
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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Miss Kerry » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:20 pm

Wish more people in my life like you L.A!

Oh and BTW have also contacted the college and they have emailed me back telling me when trainers are there and asked me to book in Saturday so I can ask lots of questions of the trainer who is there for the study group :-).

Will follow orders and disable my wi-fi for a few hours and study!

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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by cathiek » Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:42 pm

Hi Miss Kerry
Something I always did for Uni was work out what needed to be done first & put the due dates for everything on a calendar. I then worked on the ist due one etc - but my big trick was to write down the due dates as actually a week before they were due. This made sure I had no last minute panics, and after a while I never even cheated by allowing myself the extra day or two.
Worked for me :)

Miss Kerry
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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Miss Kerry » Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:43 pm

Thank you Cathiek for your advice. I seem to work much better under pressure and like having a "due date", however with this I have been given no deadlines and have been asked to submit everything at once, so the mind boggles!

Have started going through everything I've collected so far and have 4 complete modules worth of evidence and bits and peices from every other module too!!

I have finally said to my trainer that having no deadlines or dates is frustrating and that I need her to come out to acess everything I have gathered so far. So we now have a date which is the 19th of July! Putting lots of pressure on myself to try to have everything ready by then.

I'm also a bit of a perfectionist to my own detriment, I get frustrated when things aren't exactly how I want them so trying to relieve some of the pressure by reminding myself that as long as I can explain myself I'm "all good!"

Loved your advice about setting your deadline several days before actually having to hand your work in :-)

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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Lorina » Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:37 pm

Hi again Miss Kerry,

Just wanted to comment on the comment you made about working under pressure... I'm the same! I've always said to myself that I will complete assignments before they're due but I never end up doing it until the last minute... And I always seem to do better with assignments when I'm working on them in the last couple of days before I need to submit it. I guess I focus and concentrate more when I have no choice but to actually do it! Lol...

I've actually tried setting deadlines before the due date itself but I guess I can't fool myself :giggle: ! Always end up saying to myself "I'll do it tomorrow" and then when tomorrow comes I put it Bad habit I know!

I'm kinda lacking motivation myself atm with uni.. Going overseas in 2 weeks and the last thing on my mind is doing assignments and uni tutorials. I convinced myself I'll start it tonight but lets see how it goes...hahaha... My new goal is to finish my online tutorials by midday tomorrow! :thumbup:

I'm sure all will go well for the 19th...

Cheers :geek:,

Miss Kerry
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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Miss Kerry » Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:00 pm

Just updating you all on progress so far :-).

Trainer emailed me and said she was comming out 2 days earlier than expected, so I was :o

However everything went really well and have now finished 5 modules (this was all she could do as she was limited with her time). She will be back end of August where we plan to complete the remaining modules! :)

LA hope you're enjoying your holiday.

Miss Kerry
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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Miss Kerry » Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:54 pm

*** Update ***

Everything has been completed and processed :-), just waiting for the certificate to be printed. Thank you to LA and Cathiek for your support and encouragement.

So happy to have that done that I have already enrolled in the certificate 4 in Training and Assessment :-). Even considering enrolling in a Bachelor of Ed :-).

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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by Lorina » Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:03 pm

Hi Miss Kerry,

Woohoo! awesome! I bet your happy to get that all sorted and complete!

I really recommend you doing your B.Ed as well once you completed your cert's well worth it and i really believe that doing your degree is going to support and provide opportunities for you in the future...

I really am happy for you!

I am still enjoying my holiday thanks...

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Motivation and Support to complete Advanced Diploma

Post by cathiek » Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:07 pm

I say go for it Miss Kerry - enrol in that Bach of Ed. I did & I love what I am doing now (teaching Kindy (4yo in WA). It is a lot of work but you can take your time and do it at your own pace. If you have a passion for what you are doing, you are halfway there. :)

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