Programming time

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Programming time

Post by hootabelle98 » Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:19 pm

Over the past month we have been finding it hard with a shortage of staff. We have not had programing time for 4 weeks now so owed 8 hours of programming time. I've been. doing obs and program in my own time but it's becoming a bit stressful. When we have brought it up with director she just said we will have to make it up but each week it's the same.

I was on holidays last week and said to my assistant to at least reflect on the program but she didn't also the other lead educator was in there didn't and now I have to ask the girls who were in there to reflect so I can do a program for this week. I just feel they are taking advantage of us and now it's getting towards end of the year and they expect so much. I've also have my study to finish it's so stressful .

I have no idea what to do or who to turn to about lack of programming time .

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:02 pm

This is unfortunately a typical situation in services, especially towards the end of the year. Documentation needs to be complete and you have no option but to take it home and complete. It definitely shouldn't happen and if it does you should absolutely be paid for it.

If you're not getting time at work to complete it and you have no choice but to take it home, talk to your Director and ask that you get time in lieu as a substitute to overtime. So, it's similar to working from home - you work 2 hours programming time at home and you get time in lieu as compensation.

Can you maybe do that as an alternative?


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Re: Programming time

Post by Thrive » Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:29 pm

Probably not the exact response to the topic. However, I am meant to do 1.5 hours per week programming time. I have always been under the impression programming is planning a set program for the children. My manager told me programming is completing observations and reflections. We don't actually do a set program.

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:17 pm


Sadly we are all feeling this short staff burn out not enough time but we all need to remember…Stop doing it in your own time! And stop feeling guilty! … If you do not get the allotted programming time then it is what it is…your time is valuable and so is your work/home life balance

At the end of the day paper work should be the last of every one’s priority no matter if you a lead etc director or dept… whist it is important to document etc let’s be honest your mental health your families and then the children who you are educating and caring for are more important than any observation, reflection or checklist …

Also remember to check in with each other show kindness to all that are showing up each day and give each other a pat on the back for what we are doing in this current times!!!

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:18 pm


It’s ridiculous.
The whole situation has become totally out of control.
The rating system has changed the whole culture of Childcare.
Companies such as yours only increase the pressure placed upon staff.
There are so many people who would love to work with children, that feel overwhelmed by the amount of paperwork that they are choosing other industries.
All the available information is at a tertiary level of complexity.
At least 30%of the available applicants have a primary level of literacy and comprehension.

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:19 pm


t’s so hard, definitely try not to do it in unpaid time, there have been times where at services I have negotiated with directors to get paid time at home to do it when there hasn’t been the staff, also try to utilize the rest time the kiddies have, get all staff in the room involved

I actually have a book that’s kept with my room role so if any staff who come in (floats, lunch cover ect) have any ideas they can jot them down in the boom for me to put on the electronic program for the following week

I once went 7 weeks with out programming and everything fell so behind it was hard to catch up

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:20 pm


I don't think I'd get in trouble for saying this, but I do what I can in the time I'm given. If it doesn't get done it doesn't get done. I hate that some people take advantage of educators hearts and pile on work that is virtually impossible to get done with the time given and expect it to get done outside of the hours we are given. Yes, we love our job, but a line has to be drawn on keeping our personal time OUR personal time.

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:21 pm


How long a lunch break are you guys getting. If your getting hour lunch breaks maybe you can negotiate 30min Lu ch breaks so that their is some more time each day to cover programming.

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:21 pm


As a director I agree with the above - no programming time no obs, it is not your responsibility to ensure obs are up to date if you don’t have paid time off the floor to do it .

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:22 pm


Most centres have had the same issue.

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:23 pm


Exactly, your time is your time! No programming time, no obs…. But …… as a parent also it is veeeerrrry disappointing to be paying for a service that isn’t being provided. Such a double edged sword.

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:24 pm


Ask to get paid to do one hour at home.

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Re: Programming time

Post by Lorina » Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:24 pm


No program time, No observation done. Make it simple. Do not share your personal time with your job. Family first, your health first. Look after yourself first.

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Re: Programming time

Post by jimbomo » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:57 pm

Thanks for this solution!

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