Child directed observations

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Child directed observations

Post by Donny » Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:41 am

Can anyone out there please enlighten me on what range of observations you are using when implementing the EYLF at your service. The idea I have is to write my ob's in a learning story format, but for each child include individual. sml group, large group, outdoor, indoor and onservations based on parent input. Is this what anyone is doing, trying to include a range of observations? Any idea's would be helpful to me.

Cheers Donny

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Re: Child directed observations

Post by Lorina » Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:41 pm

Hi Donny,

Yeah it is a good idea to use a range of different observations as part of documenting a child's learning. Learning Stories is one form of documentation to use... I also like to use photo observations and anecdotal records. I don't think it matters what type of observation you are using as long as you can document the experience/learning that took place and show the linking to the EYLF learning outcomes as well as what the child learnt from the experience and how you extended upon it. Currently each child gets observed monthly in my room and I use a different form of observation each month. So, for this month I'm doing "photo obs" then next month I'll do "learning stories". However, with Learning Stories I also try to do a couple a week based on spontaneous and child interests that emerge and I'll also try to add these in each child's documentation who were apart of the experience that took place.

Hopefully this helps,

Cheers :geek:,

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