Studying Cert 3 Bridged to Diploma

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Studying Cert 3 Bridged to Diploma

Post by MissJen » Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:42 pm

Hi, I just found this site and you all are great...
However I am slightly confused.
I am studying through ECTARC for my Cert 3/Diploma in Early Childhood Education and while I have found that my Module/Assignment codes match the ones people have posted about, my questions vary or don't match at all.
Is there anyone here that is also studying a bridged course apprenticeship through the government or has had the same problem?
And if you are out there please let me know so we can buddy up or bounce ideas on here. Being that I have moved here from the States, you have different services through your government and different names for things, I seem to have a hard time accurately finding the right wording for searches.

Anyway thanks all for being here and hope to hear back from some fellow "Bridgers" (just made that word up...spell check hates me right now... lol)

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Re: Studying Cert 3 Bridged to Diploma

Post by Lorina » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:44 am

Hi Jen,

Welcome to Aussie Childcare Network! :wave:

Even though you may have the same assignment module name or number it's quite typical that your questions are different from what you're seeing. All institutes that offer these courses are given guidelines and it's up to them to make the questions up so depending on who your studying with, depends on the type of questions. Some may be similar or the same but like you're finding out completely different!

When searching best thing to do is type a part of the question in the search box. If someone has posted it you'll be able to find it more easily. It's more useful than trying to type in keywords as it will be a never ending battle.

I'll see you around the forum,


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