CHCPRTOO1 - Scenario: William - Abuse By Uncle

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CHCPRTOO1 - Scenario: William - Abuse By Uncle

Post by Willow » Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:55 pm

Hi, I'm doing my Cert 3 assessment number 2 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk. I'm having a hard time with the questions! This is what I have so far. William is a child in your care. During the last few days I have noticed : My answer, In the last few days I have noticed William from the duck room, having increased aggressive behaviour and angry outburst. His behaviour has changed? He is becoming withdrawn and overreacting to loud noises or sudden movements. He is also reluctant to go home. William was playing with friends when I noticed he was creating violent events through play. During water play I notice that William has bruises on his arm and leg.

Signs and symptoms:

You asked William : Today I spoke to William in private, and in a very calm manner, I asked him how did he get his bruises? and that it looks sore! was he playing on the playground and hurt himself? I also asked him did anyone else see him get hurt?

non-invasive and open questions

And he told you : William told me he got his bruises yesterday afternoon in his room after being sent there by his Uncle,William got upset and his Uncle came into his room and proceeded to grab William by the arm and smacked him on the bottom and leg. He told me he didn't like his Uncle looking after him. I asked him how he made him feel? William then told me he made him feel scared. I gave William comfort and reassurance and trust that someone believes him.

William's abuse/neglect requires :

I thanked William for talking to me, and that I was pleased that he told me what happened/happening to him, and that he could trust me with this information and that I care about his safety and well being and that I will try to find ways to protect him from further harm, and that I will find out the best way to help him.

Immediate action or more information :

React calmly, listen without judging - nod and reassure. not to ask leading questions and to always reassure him that he has done the right thing by telling me, and to not make promises I can't keep. Never confront the parent/carer and to not leave him alone. Report as soon as I can and make a note of what he said to me including a description of any injuries that I have seen.

How would I respond to his disclosure?

Adults working with children are legally and morally bound to report if they have a reasonable suspicion of risk of harm that can be substantiated by recording observations. All reports are confidential. Carers would normally discuss their concerns with the Director, co-director or team leader, who in turn would report allegations to appropriate authorities. Each service should have in place a child protection policy that clearly identifies reporting procedures.

Then I had to do a Record of Observation, I'm not understanding the following question's? Your Supervisor? What does it want me to say??

The next question I did answer! Not sure if it's correct? ( Supported you or took over what needed to be done ) Your supervisor

After the report has been recieved it will be allocated a level of priority for action and a assessment should be made of safety and well being of William. Action may include referral of William and family to an appropriate support service and/ or medical and psychological assessment of William. In some cases the matter maybe referred to the police.

Please help me with the next lot of questions, I'm stuck big time!!

Two weeks later you see 2 parents talking in the outdoor area. One parent approaches and asks you if a child in the service has been abused. You say????

The parent says that they really should be aware of dangerous parents in the service. ( you recognised this as an ethical dilemma, as firstly ( one point of view)

and secondly (another point of view)

Then you reported this ethical situation to?

Can you please let me know if I'm on the right track with the answers I have given? and I hope you can understand what I'm asking for! PLEASE HELP :)

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Re: CHCPRTOO1 - Scenario: William - Abuse By Uncle

Post by Lorina » Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:49 pm

Hi Willow,

Your responses are good! and I think you're on the right track! :thumbup:

Then I had to do a Record of Observation, I'm not understanding the following question's? Your Supervisor? What does it want me to say??

For a record of Observation you need to basically record what you have witnessed and observed on William. Such as his behaviour, his aggression during play etc. You have to give an observation on when and how it occurred. For example - "William was playing in the block corner, pushed Tom to the ground, hit him and ran away" . So basically you need to provide "observations" on what you witnessed etc. These are used as evidence when reporting the child abuse to authorities.

Hope this helps,


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Re: CHCPRTOO1 - Scenario: William - Abuse By Uncle

Post by Lorina » Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:58 pm

Two weeks later you see 2 parents talking in the outdoor area. One parent approaches and asks you if a child in the service has been abused. You say????

You need to reassure the parent that it's the centres importance to protect each child from harm and that if any child acts out of the ordinary or disclosures any type of abuse that the centre will take the necessary action. The centre has a duty of care to each and every child and this issue will remain a private and confidential on the children and family involved.

In my opinion - basically you just have to reassure the parent and then let them know that the centre will act on any type of abuse that educators may witness or being told by a child. You can't exactly say "yes, a child is being abused" but you can let them know that action will be taken if there is...

Hope this helps,


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