HLTWHS300A - Safety Alarms & Signs in EC

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HLTWHS300A - Safety Alarms & Signs in EC

Post by SierrasMumma » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:49 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: HLTWHS300A
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
Please Research 6 safety alarms and signs and explain required response in a childrens service organisation and their meaning that are specific to child care.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Fire Alarm. Within this particular service a fire is signalled by a whistle, Whistles are placed in each room in an easy to access position, when the whistle is sounded children are gathered calmly and moved to the assembly point by the room Leader, The assistant collects the roll and follows the group out therefore ensuring no children are left behind . This method isolates the location of the fire and is unique to that particular emegency

Description and Message:
I think I am on the right track. Though when reading the question, is that 6 of each? or a combined 6
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Re: Safety alarms/signs

Post by Lorina » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:17 am

I think you have to do 6 of each because in the question it says:
"Research 6 safety alarms AND signs..."

To get an idea of signs you can use, check out the following link: http://www.australiansafetysigns.com/ (they are listed on the left hand side bar).

For Safety Alarms at the top of my head I can think of:

- Door Alarm (to let someone in).
- Smoke Detector
- Security Alarm
- Emergency Alarm (other than a fire).

I can't think of anymore...lol...

Hope this gets you started,


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Re: HLTWHS300A - Safety Alarms & Signs in EC

Post by SierrasMumma » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:53 am

Blah I shall see if I can even find 6 of each, wish me luck

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Re: HLTWHS300A - Safety Alarms & Signs in EC

Post by SierrasMumma » Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:25 pm

1. Fire Alarm. Within this particular service a fire is signalled by a whistle, Whistles are placed in each room in an easy to access position, when the whistle is sounded children are gathered calmly and moved to the assembly point by the room Leader, The assistant collects the roll and follows the group out therefore ensuring no children are left behind . This method isolates the location of the fire and is unique to that particular emergency
2. Door alarm. This is used in some centre where the centres main doors are locked at certain times of the day. A button is located outside, this button when pushed lets centre staff know some one is there.
3. Fridge alarm. This is used in some centres to warn staff of low fridge temperatures, This is particularly important in the case of medication storing. An constant beeping will warn staff the fridge has hit an unsafe temperature for food storage.
4. Security alarm. When the centre is closed for the day the security system is activated, the alarm when triggered is linked to a security company who will come and do a patrol to ensure the centres safety.
5. Panic alarm. This is generally located under the front desk and is pressed for a number of different reasons, when pressed the alarm is sent to the local police who will arrive there shortly after
6. Lock down alarm.This is an alarm which will sound through out the centre. Children are to be calmly walked to the lock down room, which can only be unlocked on the inside and with a key
1. Dangerous Goods sign. There are dangerous goods in each room, (Germex and Window cleaner) They are stored in a wall mounted cabinet which as well as being located up high is kept under Lock and key. This Cabinet is labelled with a red card and bold writing warning staff of the danger these chemicals may hold for children. Children are not allowed to access this cabinet at any time and chemicals are to be returned after each use
2. Personal Protective Equipment. Stored where children can not damage them, (A shelf in the laundry) Shelf is clearly labelled and PPE is cleaned and folded neatly upon being returned to ensure its protective values remain
3.Emergency equipment. Placed within easy access of each room or within the room but up high. Clearly labelled with red backing and white writing, Information sheet is attached to indicate its proper use as well as instructions. Easily visible, easily accessible
4.Exit signs. Located above doors leading outside, Some signs may have lights inbuilt or some may be made of high visibility gear that make them visible through smoke or in the dark
5.Wet floor sign. These are portable floor stands that are placed up warning people of either a spill or a wet floor. Yellow in colour the high visibility warns people of the danger so they may choice to go a different way or walk with care.
6. Sharps sign. This is located out us reach of children , normally in either the laundry or in the office, the sign is generally a yellow triangle with black writing The container is also yellow with a barrier to allow things in but not out without a key. This is emptied when the centre rings to inform it has become full

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Re: HLTWHS300A - Safety Alarms & Signs in EC

Post by Lorina » Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:09 pm

You've come up with some good alarms! I didn't know some of them existed! Such a the fridge alarm.. All Childcare centres should have these types of alarms mandatory within the centre!

That's another assignment question out of the way! :thumbup:


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Re: HLTWHS300A - Safety Alarms & Signs in EC

Post by SierrasMumma » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:37 pm

Thanks LA. Some of them were hard to find, as not every centre has all of them, but after some research they all popped into place ;)
