CHCORG303A - Scenarios: Samantha, Lisa, Raita

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CHCORG303A - Scenarios: Samantha, Lisa, Raita

Post by poooja_mehul » Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:12 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCORG303A Participate effectively in the work
Your Assignment Type: Case Scenario
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
Scenario 1
Samantha is working as an assistant in the preschool room. Her duties revolve around health and safety issues including supervising the children. Samantha has started taking simple observations but does not program or interpret the observations for developmental information. A parent has stopped Samantha at the end of the day and is asking about her son Thomas’ language skills. She wants to know if Samantha thinks Thomas is speaking well for his age.
What should Samantha do? Should she answer the question?
Who could she refer Thomas’ mother to?
How does Samantha do this in a way that supports the other team members in the room and does not let Thomas’ mother think no one has the answer to her question?

Scenario 2
Lisa’s room leader has told her that next week she will be meeting with Lisa to discuss how she is going at the Center. Lisa is the assistant in her room and is half way through her Certificate III studies. Lisa wants to give honest feedback to the room leader and sees this as an opportunity to get feedback as well as support for the areas she is still learning to master.
What could Lisa do to prepare for the meeting?
What sorts of things could she discuss at the meeting?
What should she get feedback on?
How should Lisa explain any additional training required?
Was it a good idea to know about the meeting in advance? Why or Why not?

Scenario 3
A new staff member (Raita) joined the team in Ryan’s room three months ago. Raita seems nice but she speaks little English and seems very uncomfortable working with Ryan and hardly ever speaks to him. When Ryan approaches Raita, she drops her head and responds in whispers.
What can Ryan do?
Who should he speak to about the problem?
What support can he get?
How can he and Raita sort out the problem so they can work more effectively together as a team?

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
Scenario 1
1)I think yes because she is one of the primary care taker of Thomas and she has all the rights to known how her son is doing.
2)I have no idea about this one.
3)I have no idea about this one too.

Scenario 2
1)Lisa can just remember the things that are difficult to handle for her where she needs help and the things she have learned so far and she have expertise in it.
2)no idea.
3)no idea.
4)no idea.
5)Yes, it is good to known before hand about the meeting as she can have some time to prepare her self and can tell her room leader in more efficient way that what she want from her to learn and what she known.

Scenario 3
1)Ryan can help Raita to understand that it fine to have language problem and she can improve the language barrier.
2)Ryan can tell the room leader or the supervisor about this.
3)He can bring the interpreter when he needs to speak with Raita.
4)They can discuss this issue and try to resolve calmly.

Description and Message:
Hi there,
I am really stuck on this case Scenarios...pls help me out....!!! :roll:
Last edited by Lorina on Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHCORG303A Participate effectively in the work

Post by Lorina » Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:09 pm

Please make a better attempt at the responses for the case scenarios. You will need to re read each scenario and come up with a answer to each question. Put yourself in each situation and think about what you will do. I will go through your answers once you have responded to each question for each scenario.


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Re: CHCORG303A - Scenarios: Samantha, Lisa, Raita

Post by poooja_mehul » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:35 am

I tried to answer but i am not sure what to do in this type of pls help me out...
Scenario 1
1)I think yes because she is one of the primary care taker of Thomas and she has all the rights to known how her son is doing.
2)she can refer to her room leader or her supervisor.
3)she can let her no that she is just started and she is only assistant and for this question her room leader or supervisor is the best person to talk through.

Scenario 2
1)Lisa can just remember the things that are difficult to handle for her where she needs help and the things she have learned so far and she have expertise in it.
2)She can tell about her achievements and the things that are not still clear for her self. The situation where she can't handle it and need some improvements.
3)She can get her feedback on her performs so far in the center and her ability to handle the different situations and children of all different age groups.
4)She explain her weakness on the learning process so she can improve her self.
5)Yes, it is good to known before hand about the meeting as she can have some time to prepare her self and can tell her room leader in more efficient way that what she want from her to learn and what she known.

Scenario 3
1)Ryan can help Raita to understand that it fine to have language problem and she can improve the language barrier.
2)Ryan can tell the room leader or the supervisor about this.
3)He can bring the interpreter when he needs to speak with Raita.
4)They can discuss this issue and try to resolve calmly.
I tried my best attempt so far and it will be great if any one could help me. Thanks.

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Re: CHCORG303A - Scenarios: Samantha, Lisa, Raita

Post by Lorina » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:37 pm

I’m happy to help out but you also need to make an effort with your responses. These are your assignments that you need to complete, so you should attempt to answer them. Anyways…
Samantha is working as an assistant in the preschool room. Her duties revolve around health and safety issues including supervising the children. Samantha has started taking simple observations but does not program or interpret the observations for developmental information. A parent has stopped Samantha at the end of the day and is asking about her son Thomas’ language skills. She wants to know if Samantha thinks Thomas is speaking well for his age.

Samantha is not the primary caretaker, she is the assistant. She has started taking observations although does not interpret them, so she is not in the position to answer the parents question. She can mention what she observes of Thomas (such as singing songs, talking with peers, talks clearly, responds well to others etc.). She should refer Thomas’s mum to the room leader for further details on his language development.

Lisa’s room leader has told her that next week she will be meeting with Lisa to discuss how she is going at the Center. Lisa is the assistant in her room and is half way through her Certificate III studies. Lisa wants to give honest feedback to the room leader and sees this as an opportunity to get feedback as well as support for the areas she is still learning to master.

What you answered here is fine. Lisa should talk to her room leader open and honestly about her experiences, strengths, weaknesses ideas, suggestions etc. while working in the room so far.

A new staff member (Raita) joined the team in Ryan’s room three months ago. Raita seems nice but she speaks little English and seems very uncomfortable working with Ryan and hardly ever speaks to him. When Ryan approaches Raita, she drops her head and responds in whispers.

Raita may be shy to talk to Ryan because he is a male. Ryan can make Raita feel comfortable by getting to know her more. He can speak to the room leader about this as well as Raita and let her know that they will be working together so they need to communicate. He could find info about her interests and culture etc. and try to start a conversation with her about this as well as any ideas/suggestions she may have.

Thanks for responding to all the questions!


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