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One of the biggest hazards we face as early childhood Educators is back injuries. The amount of times we bend, stretch, and lift throughout the day is endless and this can put a strain on your back, causing serious long-term…
When children observe, interact and care for an animal it can provide an enriching experience and be a valuable part in learning about empathy, relationships and nature. It also teaches children about responsibility and nurture. Although there are many benefits…
Australia is a vibrant and multicultural nation boasting significant cultural and religious diversity, with workplaces across the country reflecting this diversity.
Under the National Quality Framework, it is a requirement to have Early Childhood Teachers (ECT’s) within a centre-based service for preschool children and under.
Policies are an important part of an early childhood setting. They are a legal requirement that identifies and minimise risks of various tasks and responsibilities demonstrated by Educators and provide information for families of how situations are handled.
Intentional Teaching examples are provided for each key focus and significant aspect of learning.
The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines support kindergarten teachers’ professional practice across Queensland.
For Educators, one of the hardest tasks is getting children to listen. It may be easier for some but for others (especially Educators who are casual) it can be difficult to get the children to pay attention and to listen…
When you've have accepted a job offer in service, it is fairly common that you will be put on a probation period. This is used to asses if you are suitable for the position and you meet the standards and…
As we come towards the end of the year, it's time to get ready to store the documents and records that have been made throughout the year, such as incident, injury, illness records, documentation relating to a child etc.. The…
Learning Styles is simply how a child can learn successfully. The ability of how a child concentrates and stores or remembers new information is their learning style.
While dummies are designed to help comfort and settle children, they are also a potential hazard to infants and young toddlers.
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