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Policy and Procedures are an integral part of the documentation that is required to meet legislative requirements. They prevent uncertainty about how particular situations are handled and support Educators to understand their roles and responsibilities. The following article provides information on What Should Policies Include, Testing Your Policy (Case Scenario), Successful Policies, Policy Pitfalls, Policies In The National Regulations and more.

For Educators, one of the hardest tasks is getting children to listen. It may be easier for some but for others (especially Educators who are casual) it can be difficult to get the children to pay attention and to listen to your instructions.

When you've have accepted a job offer in service, it is fairly common that you will be put on a probation period. This is used to asses if you are suitable for the position and you meet the standards and expectation of your job responsibilities.

When working as a Cert 3 Qualified Educator, your pay rate is from the Children's Services Award 2010. This Award states your minimum rate of pay based on the completion of your Cert 3 Qualification. The following will provide information for Cert 3 Education and Care Qualified Educators on minimum wages including full time and casual, job responsibilities, allowances and more.

At a Fair Work Commision hearing, set in Sydney today, ECT's will be demanding equal pay with primary school teachers, with an overall increase in salaries. It will be a pay rise of $32.000 if ECT's win.

It is now mandatory for Educators in Victoria to report suspicions of sexual abuse as part of Victoria's government's response to the child sex abuse royal commision.

To help attract more students, the NSW government will cover 75 percent of TAFE course fees for Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, which should deliver a $5000 saving.

No extension of universal access in the year before schooling, no further funding for state and regulatory authorities and just 2 years of funding for ACECQA and no development of workforce strategy for those wanting to pursue early childhood qualifications. 

When working as a casual, do you know your rights and entitlements? What are your minimum hours? What are you expected to do as a casual? The following information will help casual employed Educators understand their entitlements and tips on working as a casual.

Writing a personal philosophy is a great way for others to read what your values and beliefs are in regard to early childhood education. The following article provides information on how to write a personal philosophy including details of what can be included, questions to think about and examples of personal philosophies.

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