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Service Philosophy In Early Childhood Services

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Service Philosophy In Early Childhood Services

For services in the process of developing or reviewing their service philosophy, the following article provides information on the Importance Of A Service Philosophy, Links To The NQS, a Sample Of A Service Philosophy, Reviewing The Service Philosophy and more. 

Importance of A Service Philosophy

The service philosophy statement represents the attitudes and views of those who are connected to a service. Along with the Approved Framework For Learning, it aids teachers in light of the service's approach to education, growth and well-being. It must also support rules and regulations, and direct all elements of the operations of the service and practices.

All services must comply with an up-to-date statement in place of philosophy which is evaluated on an ongoing basis. An efficient means of expressing the philosophy is to make sure it is a part of the induction of employing new Educators and likewise in the enrollment of new family orientation.

Links To The NQS

7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose A statement of philosophy guides all aspects of the service’s operations.

A written statement of philosophy outlines the purpose and principles under which the service operates. It should also reflect the guiding principles of the National Quality Framework (section 3(3) of the National Law), and the Approved Learning Frameworks (Element 1.1.1)

Sample Service Philosophy

Our service believes that all children have the right to experience quality childcare and to grow in a safe and nurturing environment.

Our service values the importance of childhood as a significant stage of human development in its own right as well as the foundation for all later learning and development. To realise this vision, our service provides children with a foundation of developmentally appropriate experiences where all children can succeed.

Our service sees each child as an individual with unique abilities and interests. In our work, we provide inclusive settings that recognize children's varied abilities, interests, needs, and learning styles through which we seek to contribute to each child realising their promise and potential, both now and in the future.

Our service believes all children should be treated equally and each child’s social and cultural background valued and respected. Positive outcomes for children can best be achieved in environments and communities that are free from discrimination.

Our belief in equity and social justice is expressed in our work with all children. We foster an environment where children can feel they belong and can be safe, and where their rights and views are respected. We support our staff to challenge discrimination, advocate for children’s rights, and to access the resources and expertise they need to contribute to equality of outcomes for children.

Our service believes that there is a great benefit to providing preschool education to both children with special needs and typical children combined in classes together as peers. This belief is underpinned by our practice of total inclusion. The typical students in our classrooms serve as models for the children with special needs inspiring language and creative play. The typical children in their turn, gain understanding while building wonderful values.

Our service believes that play is a child’s work and that children learn through their play, interests and meaningful interactions with others. In our work this translates into developmentally appropriate, child-centred activities which further develop habits of observation, questioning and listening in children. In our service, teachers provide a learning-enriched environment, which provides stimulating and challenging experiences for them.

Our service recognizes that parents are the first educators of children. Each family knows their child best which is why our educators work in partnerships with parents. Furthermore, our vision acknowledges the critical role of larger communities in raising children and thus in our work are committed to continuous engagement to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children.

Reviewing The Service Philosophy

The philosophy should be reviewed frequently to make sure it still serves the demands of the service and its current stakeholders. The philosophy must continue to be a "living" statement because children, families, educators, leadership, and management all change over time.

A review offers the chance to pause, consider, and reconsider "what we do and why we do it." Additionally, it allows for the consideration of any new developments and opportunities, such as new research to inform practice, modifications to legislation, professional chances for growth, modifications to policies and procedures, and interactions between Educators, children, and families.

Encouragement of meaningful participation by families, kids, educators, and other important community stakeholders may also be utilised to show compliance with Quality Area 6 of the NQS. Children's feelings about the agency will grow by being involved and having their opinions taken into consideration, which will demonstrate that their opinions are recognised and cherished (QA1).

Further Reading

Writing A Personal Philosophy For Childcare - The following article provides information on how to write a personal philosophy including details of what can be included, questions to think about and examples of personal philosophies.

How To Achieve Quality Area 7 - The following is a list of outcomes under each element within QA7, that can help services identify if they are achieving Quality Area 7. It also includes documentation to support each element. This list can be used as a guide for Self-Assessment purposes and the development of the Quality Improvement Plan


  • How To Develop and Update Policies Successfully 
  • Sample Program Philosophy Statements for Preschools
Created On September 26, 2022 Last modified on Monday, September 26, 2022
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