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Gross Motor Development for Babies 12-24 months

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Gross Motor Development for Babies 12-24 months Prayit

Babies will begin to find new ways of moving themselves around the house and has improved balance and body movements. These movements that a baby displays are often referred to as gross motor development.

Gross Motor Development Milestones

From 12 to 18 months

One of the biggest milestones in a baby's first year of life is walking. It is very exciting act to watch a baby’s first steps. When a baby begins to walk they need encouragement to gain the confidence to practice walking. By practice and experience, over the next several weeks slowly and steadily a baby will begin to walk. During the first stages babies will topple and fall over and may end up with some bruises. But don't worry this is all part of the learning process until a baby learns how to walk freely and confidently.

Milestones Achieved

  • spends time trying to climb stairs
  • determined to walk on own, insists of walking unaided
  • able to stop and change direction when walking
  • can bend over to pick up objects from the floor
  • enjoys climbing in and out of high chair
  • walks unsteadily with support up and down stairs
  • walks confidently around the home and outside
  • trots from across the room
  • starts to climb playground equipment
  • may enjoy splashing and kicking in the swimming pool
  • takes two to three steps without support, legs wide and hands up for balance
  • rolls large ball, using both hands and arms
  • reverts to crawling if in a hurry
  • tries to use spoon/fork
  • walks alone
  • pulls toys behind him while walking
  • carries large toy or several toys while walking
  • begins to run stiffly

From 18 to 24 months

Through increasing movement, balance and co-ordination babies will become increasingly adventurous as their confidence grows. Your baby's curiosity and new co-ordination and movement skills opens up a whole new range of play experiences.

Milestones Achieved

  • is able to undertake another activity while on the move
  • likes to climb furniture
  • climbs up and down on chairs
  • improved balance and co-ordination
  • can walk backwards a few steps
  • uses a wider range of playground equipment
  • enjoys running freely in open spaces
  • can pedal wheels on a tricycle
  • can stand on one foot while using the other to kick a ball
  • runs confidently
  • moves fast while going into a straight line
  • is able to throw and catch a ball from a sitting position
  • dances to music
  • can adjust balance well on a swing
  • walks into ball
  • climbs onto and down from furniture unsupported
  • walks up and down stairs holding on to support
  • walks, climbs and runs
  • crawls up steps
  • kicks and throws a ball
  • feeds themselves
  • begins to run hurried walk
  • squats to pick up an object
  • reverts to crawling if in a hurry
  • can drink from a cup

Physical development is an important part of your child's overall early development. Providing plenty of opportunities for your baby to complete both gross motor and fine motor tasks will give your baby the confidence to strengthen their new learnt skills.

Created On January 5, 2015 Last modified on Monday, January 5, 2015
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