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A group of parents expresses their concern that due to the use of mobile phones at recess time or at lunchtime, children are forgetting or hardly interested to face to face communication with their peers and thus resulting in a lack of socialisation.

Until April 29th, Darling Square is going to be home to Hello Kitty Town. Featuring one of Australia’s one of largest festivals known as Sanrio art exhibitions that are also held in the precinct. The features, atmosphere, and decorations are themed with Hello Kitty. It is a free outdoor festival with an offering of food and drinks.

The Nature Posters are beautiful images that show nature such as animals and plants. These posters can be used as a display within the learning environment and these can also be added to the Science and Nature area.

With the increasing rate of obesity in Australia, the Australian Government has taken a few strategies to reduce the overwhelming inclination of the public to consumption of junk foods. The junk food giants such as m&m, Mac Donald, Toucan Sam, etc may have an ending spell by receiving restrictions on its advertising methods.

Diversity is a complex matter to realise. We, adults, sometimes fail to accept diversity and remain constant with our preconceived notions. But the good news is that Australian parents are showing too much acceptability in understanding transgender and sexual diversity among children. The report suggests that Australian parents show supportive behaviour toward transgenders.

To be familiar with nature, to spend some time amid nature, talking, thinking about trees, grasses, pebbles, climates, small insects, ground warm enhance the resilience and self-esteem of a child.

The Insects and Bugs Posters enable children to identify different types of insects and bugs These are great for children to learn the different names of insects and bugs and to be able to identify them in their garden or in the playground. These can be used in a variety of different hands-on experiences and displays.

A private school in Perth has warned parents that they will be charged $1 per minute if they leave their children too early in school or if the parents left them waiting in the school for a long hour after the final “bell”.

Playing or even just spending time outdoors has long been recognized as crucial to positive learning and life outcomes in children. Outdoor spaces thus hold great significance in early education and care learning settings and have been addressed in Quality Area 3 – Physical Environment of National Quality Standards. Element - 3.2.1 mandates that “Outdoor and indoor spaces are designed and organised to engage every child in quality experiences in both built and natural environments”. As such, outdoor spaces must be and must be designed with care and conscious thought.

Do you want children to explore nature? Do you want children to be resilient and confident? Do you want nature to work as a stress buster for little ones? We know all the answers will be a big “YES”. so, here it is “ Nature Play Week”, which will be conducted from April 6 to April 16, 2022. Nature play week reconnects kids with nature and the outdoors.

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