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Letter Tracing Picture Worksheets are great for children to practice writing letters. Each individual worksheet shows a picture corresponding to the letter, the capital letter and the small letter for children to trace. These are also great to use as a quiet activity by laminating them and using a marker and dry eraser for children to practice with during rest time.

Jason Cawthra, from Australia, has built a sensor to be used in car seats which gives notification to the parents if they forget their child in the car. There are a lot of incidents of forgetting babies inside the car and resulting in various mishaps. He was terribly saddened by seeing this news and with the aim of solving the problem, he worked hard to find out something that can aware the parents if they forget their baby inside the car.

Two Canberra sisters, Emma and Olivia Harries, in primary school, are accumulating socks for recycling them rather than to be landfilled. They are trying to collect 10,000 socks so that they could send them for recycling. Their family, residents of different places in Australia are also trying to gather shocks from different sources. Hopefully, they will be able to use them for recycling very soon.

Anti-bias experiences are about guiding children to be able to think about and have words for how people are the same and how they are different. It includes helping children feel and behave respectfully, warmly, and confidently with people who are different from themselves. It includes encouraging children to learn both about how they are different from other children and about how they are similar. 

It is very true and often happens to almost every parent that they have to put so much energy and physical strength to raise a child that often they feel there is nothing more left to give and feel exhausted. And exactly at that moment of time Cocomelon, the famous youtube rhyming channel comes into the picture. It holds the child for half hr or so and distracts them from the world around them which gives the parents an opportunity to have sanity on their own. But are these harming your children? Is it the cause of speech delay and is it the reason for tantrums that your child is showing and developing recently?

Water play is always engaging and soothing for kids. This particular play can be done when the spring is in the air. To start the activity, you could send the children to collect fallen flowers from the garden. Add water to a tub and put the flower petals inside. This experience appeals to all senses and will help soothe children if they tend to lose their calm, get bored, frustrated and agitated. This sensory play activity does wonders to children, right from learning about flowers to creating their own sensory water tub and then having some imaginative play. 

A commendable and exemplary initiative has been taken in the schools of NSW by the inclusion of AUSLAN classes for students which is going to start from 2023. It will be offered to students from Kindergarten to Year 10. Auslan is a portmanteau of Australian National Sign Language which helps deaf people to communicate.

A service assessment and rating visit is an opportunity to demonstrate the strengths of your service and seek user feedback. It is important to be able to articulate your achievements and practices effectively. The following article provides information on Supporting Educators During The Assessment and Rating Process, Providing Opportunites For Articulation, Using The Right Langauge, Reflecting On Practice and more. 

The United Workers Union has conducted a survey, amongst Educators in Early Childhood Services, regarding the food budget and nutrition that are served to children in individual centres. A dumbfounding truth has come out that children are remaining hungry most of the time, they are being fed less nutritious foods and only 65 cents is allegedly allocated for each child.

Chole Ngyuen, 4 years old, swallowed tiny, magnetic balls while playing and was rushed to hospital. She was saved. Parents want to warn others about the dangerous and fatal incidents that could be followed by playing with tiny, attractive magnetic balls.

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