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Templates News

The All About My Name template is for children to share where their name comes from and originates from.
The Observation Notes template is for taking observations of individual children.
The Observation Blue is an anecdotal record for Educators to use to record individual child observation. Anecdotal records are written in the past tense.
The I Am A Friend template is for children to share how they consider themselves a friend to others.
The Birthday Certificates template provides a variety of brightly coloured birthday certificates that can be given to a child on their birthday. Choose and aminate a certificate and present it to the child on their special day.
The Getting To Know You template is for Parents to fill in details about their child. Educators can use these responses to plan the program as well as to plan for individual learning of the child according to the responses given by the parent. Click the link to download: Getting To Know You
The Educator Tidbits template is a great way for Educators to share their favourite Resources with others.
The Birthday Book Donation is a free template. It is a letter to Parents that encourages them to donate a "birthday book" to your room rather than bring in a cake/treats to share with the group of children on their child's birthday.
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