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Templates News

The Friends Work Together template is to showcase 2 children working together to create a painting or drawing.
Secret Santa is a free template.
The My Own Two Hands template is for children to think and detail how they will change the world with their own two hands.
The My Planet template enables children to describe and create their own planet. It's a great way for children to use their imagination and creativity to come up with a planet of their own.
The Service Philosophy template is for services to write their service philosophy and to display it within the centre.
The Professional Development Completed Record is a free template.
The I'm So Grateful template enables children to think about who they are grateful for, what they are grateful for and why they are grateful.
Supporting Doc QA7 template provides a checklist of documentation that is required in order to achieve Quality Area 7 - Governance and Leadership.
Child Care Documentation App

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