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Templates News

The Supporting Doc QA6 template provides a checklist of documentation that is required in order to achieve Quality Area 6 - Collaborative Partnerships With Families and Communities.
The A Poem For Educators is a free template and can be given to Educators on Early Childhood Educator's Day (Wednesday 01 September).
The Staff Development Day is a free template that enables Educators to inform families that they are closing the service due to a staff development day.
This template is for children to answer questions about their dad.
The National Science Week template can be used to detail the experiences the children engaged in during National Science Week (14 - 22 August).
The In The Clouds template enables Educators to write and document children's thoughts when they gaze into the clouds.
The A Peek At Our Week template is for Educators to share their week of learning with Parents.
This template is for children to reflect on their dreams.
Child Care Documentation App

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