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Preschool Teacher Fired For Applying Sleep Time Patches To Children

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Preschool Teacher Fired For Applying Sleep Time Patches To Children

A Californian preschool teacher has been fired after allegedly providing toddlers with mood-calming patches (Zen Patches) without getting permission from their parents. 

ZenPatch is designed to help calm the nervous system, and the mind, and stimulate an overall sensation of relaxation. It works by triggering receptors in the nose, which then sends messages from the nervous system to the limbic system — the system that controls behaviour and emotions.

A mother brought up her child early from the Options for Learning Head Start preschool in California on a Friday afternoon.

There, she claimed to have seen a mood-calming patch that a teacher had applied to her son's back.

Through a group conversation, the mother promptly notified the other parents, claiming that other youngsters in the classroom also had stickers on their bodies.

Now, the parents are demanding further action to be taken for their children’s safety. 

She said to Fox11 that throughout the past two weeks, the parents had seen "behavioural issues" with their kids, including adjustments to their eating and sleeping schedules.

The parents contended that the teacher had begun labelling every student in the class with stickers, which the children believed to be a reward for excellent behaviour.

The parents, however, contend that the teacher was giving the young children Zen Patches—stickers that are proven to improve mood.

Before the children were taken home, they said she would remove the patches from them.

The mother of 3-year-old Gian and 4-year-old Destiny, Vicky, expressed her amazement and displeasure over the teacher's behaviour.

She said to Fox, "You bring your kids, and you expect it to be good, you know."

One mother, Marta, told the LA Times that her kid would cry at the notion of leaving his mother and would become "irritable" before he had to leave for school.

"He never speaks much. He used to answer inquiries and discuss his school day," she remarked.

"I asked him now, and all he said was, 'I'm not sure.'" I'd rather not discuss it. He's pretty shy and has become more laid back.

Parents who are worried about the possible repercussions of applying these mood patches on their kids are scared because some have seen "withdrawal" signs in their toddlers.

Mom Cynthia stated, "I don't even know what the teacher was thinking when she did that."

Paul F. Pulver, CEO of Options for Learning Head Start, verified that the instructor had been giving "aromatic stickers" to a "limited number of students."

“The stickers are advertised as harmless; they contain natural aromas including lavender, orange, cedarwood, and mandarin.” 

"Our policy, which mandates parental decision-making and consent on all such matters, was violated by the teacher's distribution," he went on. "The worker who supplied the stickers has been let go."

However, the parents feel that not enough has been done in response.

"It's not good enough to fire her at all," parent Stephanie stated. "I demand justice; she ought to be jailed".

Preschool Teacher Sacked For Applying Mood-Calming Patches To Toddlers, Kidspot Australia, 15th December 2023

Last modified on Saturday, December 16, 2023
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