Observation and Planning

Questions related to program, planning, assessing, managing documentation, implementing EYLF, MTOP, NQS and other approved frameworks.
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Observation and Planning

Post by Lyna1606 » Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:58 pm


I was hoping if someone was able to answer my question?

At my childcare, we do an observation and follow up for each individual child each month.
However reading through books, I just see information about an observation and a follow up from the observation.
I would like to know after we evaluate the outcome from the planned follow up, do we further future plan another follow-up.
If we do make another future plan, does that mean the next month observation is based on last month observation/follow-up evaluation or do I do another different observation of the child in the next month? Does each month observation have to link with last month observation and follow up?
Each educator said different things so I'm unsure. I just think doing another planned follow up/future plan each month from the previous month, i would be focusing on the child's development through intentional teaching and limit my observation in the child's open play experiences and independency.

I was also told that I shouldn't use templates for the children especially through art's and crafts. But if the child interest is animals and i would like them to learn more about animals, why am i not allowed to use a cow outline template for example for the child's learning and understanding of the animals?

Thank you for the help

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Re: Observation and Planning

Post by Lorina » Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:01 pm


Valid questions!

So when you observe a child, you evaluate the experience and add a follow up experience, I would also add a small evaluation/ comment of what happened with that follow up either on the same observation or even in the day book (including the child's name for that particular experience) just so it finalises that particular observation then the next month you start a new observation, rather than continuing the follow up from the previous month.

You just have to make sure that everything is dated and linked so it's easy to see your continuous cycle of planning.

Also with the stencils, a lot of educators have strong opinions on what's right or wrong but I'd say let the child decide... offer stencils and also offer children an opportunity to draw from themselves... some children will choose the template while others draw... up to them..

Let me know if you need further information or examples!


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