Explain some of the knowledge you require to enable you to perform as an effective education support worker. Think of your job description/role. What types of behaviours make you a competent and productive worker?
is this things like being aware of timetables, school schedules
be aware of my role and duties
ensure I understand my job description
Have a to do list
Performing As An Effective Support Worker
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Re: Performing As An Effective Support Worker
I found this in a job description which may apply for your question above:
Ref: Educational Support Worker
Hope this helps!
Capacity to undertake routine support tasks across a range of functions in one or more work areas within a school environment.
Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively with members of the school community including students and the capacity to provide support and/or attendant care to students where necessary.
Demonstrated proficiency in the use of office systems, software or technical equipment as relevant to the position.
Capacity to work cooperatively with a range of people including teachers, education support, students and parents.
A commitment to professional learning and growth.
Ref: Educational Support Worker
Hope this helps!
