Stressing out

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Stressing out

Post by ilovechildren » Sat May 21, 2016 6:38 pm

Hi everyone so ive accepted a casual role in childcare but its been 3 years since i did my cert 111,
i have noooo idea what i should do on the first day, i havent had practice with nappy changes,
i need any advice please. I feel like running away but i dont want to. Also i am a heavier girl so i am worried
i wont be able to keep up.
also one last thing what is casual rates for cert 111s?

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Re: Stressing out

Post by Gabsrs » Sun May 22, 2016 1:56 am


Congratulations on accepting your brand new position!! First days can often be challenging but, don't let your nerves get the better of you and don't stress out. Don't be afraid to ask the other educators questions or for help when you are stuck or don't know what to do, we are all happy to help because, once upon a time we were in the same boat and, on some days we still get stuck too. I would like you to know that everyone is always happy to help! Don't be scared just give it your best.

Also to do with wages as a casual you should be starting out at level 3.1, which is generally around $25 per hour. But I reccomend asking your employer about this because it may vary a bit depending on the company or independent centre that has employed you.
Heres a link to the wages post that will give you an idea of wages with in the industry ... -australia

Best of Luck,
you'll do fantastic!

-Gab :)

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Re: Stressing out

Post by ilovechildren » Mon May 23, 2016 12:31 am

Thankyou so much Gab, What do casual educators do anyway? Im not too sure what to expect.

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Re: Stressing out

Post by Lorina » Tue May 24, 2016 11:06 am

Congratulations! I understand that you may feel a little nervous but once you get into the swing of things you'll get into your own rhythm. As a casual worker you will be asked to supervise children, probably do some cleaning, change nappies... When supervising children you can talk and interact with them, get involved in their play but make sure that you always keep an eye on all the children in the mean time. With the cleaning, it most probably wiping tables, sweeping floors and mopping after meals. Don't take too long doing this but make sure you do it efficiently... Nappy changes, the centre will have a procedure on this so it's good to have a read of their procedure. It also helps if you watch the other staff change nappies a couple of times before. If not, there is always YouTube! Things to remember - children should walk up steps to get onto the change table so you don't have to lift them and wash the child's hands after nappy changes.

Also, don't forget to take a hat with you to wear during outside play and maybe take your own lunch...

Most important! HAVE FUN!

Hope this helps!


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Re: Stressing out

Post by ilovechildren » Tue May 24, 2016 10:52 pm

Thankyou Lorina, All very Helpful i appreciate it. I had my first day and they have eased me into it. Haven't done nappy changes yet, but will watch until i give it a go. Nerves get the better of me lol.

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