Case Study 2
A family with two children attending the service send their children each day without a hat on an ongoing basis. The parents have advised the service that they cannot get their children to wear them so cannot see the point in sending one. On most days both children also attend in singlet tops with small spaghetti straps.
Q: Write a short script detailing how you would address the issue presented with the family to ensure children are dressed in a way that protects them from the sun, and respects the parent’s views.
A: I would politely discuss the importance of sun safety to the parents and how it can benefit the children in the future, to be sun smart now. I would suggest to them to pack a hat for the children and that we could work together to find a way to help the children keep their hats on during outdoor play. I would also suggest to pack spare clothes, an example being a t-shirt that has sleeves on it, that way the children can change into the t-shirt for outdoor play.
Q: Identify which sections of the Regulations and National Quality Standard could be referred to when explaining your responsibilities to children with regards to sun safety.
A: NQS 2.1: Each child's health is promoted
Q: Identify three strategies you could use to encourage the children’s cooperation with the service’s sun safe policy?
Q: Identify four information resources that you could make available to all families at your service regarding sun safety. In your answer, include the full title of each information resource, and/or website including the web address to clearly identify the resources you would direct the parent to.
A: 1. SunSmart Program For Childcare Services: ... -services/
2. Keeping Sun Safe In Child Care: ... ar2011.pdf
3. Be SunSmart, Play SunSmart: ... nsmart.pdf
4. SunSmart Early Childhood Policy Guidelines: ... online.pdf
Hey, I was wondering if I have answered these right? And I am not too sure what to write for question 3 as I don't really understand it. Any help would be appreciated!