is it normal to always be sick when new to the industry?

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is it normal to always be sick when new to the industry?

Post by rsdm05 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:12 pm

I have been working for around 6 months now.. the last month I have been very sick, we had an outbreak of gastro at our workplace which I caught and was off work for 2 weeks, the second day back.. I now have tonsillitis... it seems crazy ridiculous that I am getting so sick, I have used up all my sick leave so I am now not getting paid for the time off, to return to work my director is now requesting a clearance from the doctor...

Any tips on staying healthy at work?


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Re: is it normal to always be sick when new to the industry?

Post by MarlyW » Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:55 pm

Hi :)

Getting sick during the first year of working in early childhood is very normal. Though I'm in my 5th year and I still tend to get sick a lot, but I have asthma and have had sinus issues most of my life so that tends to exacerbate it.

As does whenever new children and new staff arrive. But, generally you would hope to build up immunity after your first year.

The best way to stay healthy at work though:

- hand washing - children and staff - after wiping noses, eating, etc
- encouraging older children to cover their mouths with their arm when sneezing and coughing
- not taking work home with you
- getting enough sleep

Hope that helps :)

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Re: is it normal to always be sick when new to the industry?

Post by Lorina » Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:41 am

Yes, it's very very normal to be sick in your first couple of years working with the children. They cough, sneeze and spread germs all over you so it's very easy to contract an illness amongst the kids. As Marly said washing your hands frequently, however it doesn't help if a child coughs in your face....

- Disinfect the toys within the room frequently
- Try not to touch your face without washing your hands first as usually viruses enters your body through your eyes, nose or mouth,
- Drink plenty of juice (Vitamin C) and water,
- Get a good nights rest (at least 8 hours)
- If a child shows signs of illness they should be informed as soon as possible to be picked up from the centre

Hope you feel better soon!


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