Toilet Training At Home

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Toilet Training At Home

Post by Lorina » Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:23 pm

When working with children, one of the most common questions parents ask is how to begin toilet training at home, when to start, what age the best method. Just because your child may be "old enough" typically at around 2 and a half it doesn't necessarily mean that your child is ready and you also don't have to wait that long. Your child can show interest in wanting to use the toilet at a younger age and by all means encourage it. Watch for the following signs:

1. Does your child show an interest in the toilet?
2. Indicating a need of going to the toilet either before or while doing it?
3. Staying dryer for longer?

You will need a great deal of patience and there are going to accidents which will happen. It won't be your child's fault because they are in the middle of a learning process. The best thing for you to do is start by talking about the toilet with your child “This is where you go and do wees and poos etc” When changing your child's nappy sit them on the toilet for a couple of mins to start with. If they do anything in the toilet, lots of encouragement and cuddles are needed! It is a big deal.

After a few days, remove the nappy and put undies on your child, teach them to pull them up and down and make sure that you encourage your child to do it. Every hour take your child to sit on the toilet or use the potty. For the first few days you will need to take your child rather than remind. Sing songs and play games while they are sitting to encourage them to sit longer to try and do something. When they have an accident don't make it into a big drama say something like "we need to go to the toilet sooner next time, keep trying". Once your child understands to pee and poop into the toilet then they will begin doing it and all you need to do is constantly remind them. During sleep they will still need a nappy especially for night time until they are confident with going to the toilet.

For more information read the following article available in our site "Toilet Training Toddlers"

Hopefully this gives you a brief intro into toilet training your child,


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Re: Toilet Training At Home

Post by daddymarkus » Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:24 am

I'll take note of these tips. Thanks for this, I've been seeing no progress on my boy's training. This is just what I needed!

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