Teaching children boundaries of space

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Teaching children boundaries of space

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:36 am

I am GL of the toddlers room and I find they inevitably take things from one end of the room and move around with them and sometimes they end up on the other side of the room.
It is frustrating finding bits of puzzles strewn all around and home corner play toys ending up in book corner etc.

In Montessori children work on individual mats or tables with mats underneath their work that symbolises their work space and no one enters that space and their work, be it a puzzle or some activity stays on that mat until they finish and put it back where it belongs.

Any ideas how to get this age group to work within a defined space?

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Re: Teaching children boundaries of space

Post by LindyT » Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:11 pm

This may be a bit draconian but in my service (And probably not practical in a centre) the rule is Puzzles/ Activity are only allowed on the table or the floor mat. If it ends up all over the place this means the children are not looking after it and I put it away and the children need to ask for it and are responsible for it.
Works for here

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Re: Teaching children boundaries of space

Post by Lorina » Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:37 pm

to determine space for activities I use coloured pieces of paper on tables and a mat for book area and block area. kids still sometimes carry activities into different areas but after a reminder they usually put it back. you can try adding photos to use as a visual for children to get an idea of where activities belong.


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Re: Teaching children boundaries of space

Post by fchaudari76 » Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:54 pm

Im so to Montessori where from day dot they know to take work to a table or get an individual floor mat and do their work on there. Unfortunately I think these kids have no concept of taking work to a table. They will stand at the shelves and do things so I am having to say take it to a table but inevitably everything gets chucked around the room and yes I have done the take it away thing but its just frustrating me.
I may see if I can get some individual mats for them to work on the floor as when they do things on the carpet other kids just swamp the child doing something

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