Feeling unsure

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Am I complete idiot and out of my depth?

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Feeling unsure

Post by midget » Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:55 pm

Context: I started a few months ago as a casual at a local preschool, I am working towards my Certificate III.

I have made a few errors here and there, as not all the policies and procedures were explained to me, but I constantly feel as if I am being carefully watched and monitored, as if they are waiting for me to screw up and it has become quite disheartening and upsetting, to the point that I am doubting myself and feeling ill at ease. They are otherwise very friendly but I just feel like a pain in the butt/nuisance and untrusted, basically less and less a part of the team.

I do not know what to do, it does not feel great, I am already stressed out between my assessments, trouble sleeping, a side hustle, and life in general.

Any advice? I am desperate.

Also is there some way I can repair what damage has been done? Some (one or two) educators I feel do not like me being there (I can sense their frustration with me)?

:( :? :cry: :sweating: :| :oops:

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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by Lorina » Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:18 pm

Oh man! Yeah I know exactly what you mean.. kinda feel useless and seem more of a burden being there...

We all go through it! I mean we all had to start at the bottom and as you gain experience, you gain confidence and you will start to feel like you belong!

You're a casual which is another thing... as a casual you usually get crappy jobs and educators don't really take the effort to get to know you... it's true.. and yes they will be watching you like a hawk.. comes with the territory!

All I can say is don't take it personally... you have to be tough out there and try not to get too hurt or offended by criticism... just listen and next time do it as they suggest... show initiative and start doing things before even being asked or offer to do cleaning etc.

You will be absolutely fine! It's hard for like the first 6 months... it's all a learning process!

Always wear a smile as soon as you enter that centre door until you leave! You are primarily there for the beautiful children... the rest of it is just "noise"... if you stuff up you stuff up simply try it better next time. No matter what the job you have to start somewhere..

You got this!!


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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by midget » Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:46 pm

Thank you very much Lorina, some days I just feel like I am not good enough for the job.

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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by Lorina » Sun Jan 31, 2021 2:56 pm

Yes I know exactly what you mean... we all have our off days and feel the same way at one point or another...


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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by AureaRea » Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:35 am

There is nothing wrong if you are feeling unsure of what you are doing in life... and it is perfectly normal. You do not need to worry if you feel like you do not want to do anything. After all, you are a human being. You have the right to feel tired. Life is not always rainbows and unicorns. You won't grow physically, emotionally, and mentally if you did not feel a rollercoaster ride of emotions. So yep, there is nothing wrong if you are feeling unsure. You still years to figure things out. Take your time and do not rush.

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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by midget » Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:58 am

Thank you very much, I just worry a lot and feel like a complete idiot a lot of the time. I am trying to do better but I am just so stressed with work and assessments, no real work life balance.

I will try and figure it out.

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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by Lorina » Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:19 am

Just checking in... how are you going?


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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by AureaRea » Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:14 pm

There hasn't been a reply in four days but judging by the time gap with each response, I guess this is normal. Hope there's a reply soon.

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Re: Feeling unsure

Post by midget » Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:43 pm

Hi there Lorina and AureaRea,

Sorry I did not respond sooner, work and assessments have kept me quite busy... Thank you for checking in on me, I appreciate it.

Due to life circumstances I unfortunately have had to ask for two extensions for same cluster of assessments.

To be completely honest I am disappointed that I did, but nonetheless work has been alright. I still wonder if I am a proper member of the team... I do get along with them but I feel uneasy interacting with a few, not knowing if I am in their good graces or not; my social anxiety amplifies this. I worry and overthink a lot, but at the same time it would feel awful if they saw me as "that nuisance co-worker they wished they did not have to work with". I would like to think that I am easy to get along with and a hard-worker, but cannot give weight to my words as I know we are all inclined to bias.

Currently, I am stuck on an assessment question that I was wondering if either of you would be willing to assist me with?

"Part 3: Case Study – Policy Development

Below is a sample ‘Interactions with Children’ Policy.
Imagine that you have just commenced work at the service and the policy has been provided to you as part of your induction to the service. You read the policy and note a number of issues.
Lynda’s Long Day Care Service and the Educators operating as members of the Service will use every endeavour to build positive, respectful and equitable relationships with children that are maintained in a way that:
encourages children to express themselves and have a sense of agency;
allows children to undertake experiences that develop self-reliance and self-esteem;
maintains at all times the dignity and rights of all children;
gives each child positive guidance;
has regard to the family and their cultural values; and
has regard for the age, physical and cognitive development and abilities of each child being educated and cared for by Lynda’s Long Day Care Service.
Educators will use every endeavour to develop an atmosphere within the environment that is generally relaxed and happy.
Throughout the day each child will have the opportunity to engage in unhurried individual interactions and conversation with their educator that are meaningful and which support the acquisition of skills for life and learning.
Educators will ensure routines such as meal times, toileting, nappy change and rest times are relaxed, unhurried and are used for positive interactions with individual children.
Educators will actively interact with children and respectfully respond to their comments, questions and requests for assistance as well as their projects and play.
Educator’s interactions with each child are warm and responsive in order to support the development of trusting relationships.
Children’s efforts to communicate are responded to sensitively and appropriately supporting the child to feel safe, secure and confident.
Educators will support each child to work with, learn from, and help others through collaborative learning opportunities.
Children will be supported by Educators to regulate and manage their own behaviour, respond appropriately to the behaviour of others and communicate effectively to resolve conflicts.
The dignity and rights of every child will be maintained at all times with Educators responding to all children’s behaviour in a fair and consistent way.
OHS Legislation – Educators will at all times work in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
Policy Revision date September 2009
Review due September 2010

Draft a short memo to the Director which includes:

- Details of three issues within the policy that need addressing. When formulating your response consider the following;
- Has the policy been reviewed regularly against current and up to date legislation and standards?
Will the reader know which legislative and ethical responsibilities inform the policy?


Two suggestions for work practice improvements that will improve this workplace’s responsiveness to legal and ethical requirements.
(100 words)"

Other than the one referenced piece of legislation and the fact that no there are no other citations for the written policies and procedures, I do not know what is wrong with it?

I also do not know what else to suggest for improvements either as it it quite thorough...

I feel like the answers should be glaringly obvious.

I hope you see this soon.

Kind regards,
- midget

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