I need urgent help

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Joined: Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:47 am

I need urgent help

Post by momotayeasmin » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:56 pm

Lucie (14 months) is becoming more confident and independent each day. She insists on doing most things for herself and will persist at a task even when she becomes frustrated.
When Lucie becomes tired she resists the Educator’s efforts to put her down for a sleep.
Lucie’s Educators discuss the need to speak to Lucie’s parents about possible changes to sleep routine.
This photograph shows a very tired Lucie who insists on finishing her lunch.

What might you communicate with Lucie’s family in regards to her eating and sleeping routine and how it may be adapted?

As toddlers develop their need for independence grows. However, often their desire for independence is not matched by their physical or emotional development.
What strategies can the Educator use to adapt experiences to meet Lucie’s needs and routines?

I am totally blank about this question.Please help me

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