in children's services,educators are often designing and setting up play areas and experiences to cater to a variety of age groups,interests and needs for all are required to complete the following three tables,keeping in mind the age groups,theenvironments,interests and needs of the indvidual child.List an experience for the following age groups:0-2,2-3,3-5 (these could be indoor or outdoor experiences)
experience catering to 0-2 years old
list the experience
Musical Instruments
• Children develop social skills by playing co-operative musical games (such as ring a ring a rosy or musical statues).
• Gives children a chance to recognize that music and dance can express moods and different feelings in an appropriate social way.
• Increases children's awareness of different movements (fold your legs like the frog in the song).
• Improves children's balance, co-ordination and rhythm through dancing and other movement activities.
• Helps to develop children's fine motor skills (learning finger plays and playing musical instruments).
• Develops children's creativity and imagination by responding to music through movement.
• Refines children's listening skills by noticing changes in rhythm, beat or tempo (clapping fast or slow)
safety issues
. check for broken instruments
. make sure there are no small pieces on the instruments that the children could possibly choke on or swallow.
. ensure the physical space is adequate for children to move about freely.
. ensure that the CD player and the cord is kept out of the reach of the children.
. observe the children to make sure that they are using the instruments appropriately and model appropriate behaviour expectations if necessary.
. encourage the children to keep the musical instruments on the mat and when they are finished with them to put them back in the basket to avoid them becoming tripping hazards
resources/materials required
different musical toys
CD players
pillows for comfort
pictures and posters of singers and dancers
strategies for foster children's interests
To exend on the experience and children's interest, chairs could be added and they could put on a concert for their peers
EYLF outcomes
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing - Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. E.g. “promote children’s sense of belonging, connectedness and wellbeing.” (p.31)
Children are confident and involved learners - Children resource their own learning through connecting with people. E.g. “provide opportunities and support for children to engage in meaningful learning relationships.” (p.37)
Children are confident and involved learners - Children transfer what they have learned from one context to another. E.g. “Develop ability to mirror, repeat and practice the actions of others, either immediately or later.” (p.36)
Children are confident and involved learners - Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity… E.g. explore and “express wonder and interest in their environments”(p.34)
Children are confident and involved learners - Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. E.g. “Provide babies and toddlers with resources that offer challenge, intrigue and surprise, support their investigations and share their enjoyment.” (p.35)
experience catering to 2-3 years olds
list the experience
Dress - ups
interests and strengths
Helps develop planning skills
Continues to develop fine motor skills
Assists children to express feelings
Enables children to share and co-operate with others
Provides children to demonstrate pride in accomplishments and develop a positive self confidence
Children develop flexibility, creativity and courage
Enhanced vocabularies as children begin to describe their idea of what they are doing
safety issues
check outfits for rips and tears to ensure children cannot get stuck or they become a tripping hazard.
. check to make sure outfits are not too long and cannot be walked on and become a tripping hazard.
. check outfits for small buttons which could become a choking hazard.
. making sure costumes are kept hygenic (wash once a week)
resources/materials required
dolls and their dresses
lots of real life dresses
sweaters,jackets,coats etc.
strategies to foster children's interests
. Encouraging and modelling where the outfits should be hung/put so that other children in the playground do not trip over them.
. providing a hanging space or boxes for the outfits to be placed in
EYLF outcomes
: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing - Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing. E.g. “show enthusiasm for participating in physical play and negotiate play spaces to ensure the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others.” (p.32)
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing - Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. E.g. “Talk with children about their emotions and responses to events with a view to supporting their understandings of emotional regulation and self-control.” (p.31)
Children have a strong sense of identity - Children feel safe secure and supported. E.g. “children initiate interactions and conversations with trusted educators.
Experience catering to 3-5 years old
list the experience
Home Corner
interests strengths
• Enables children to draw on past information and experiences to solve problems (the doctor gives me a needle in my arm).
• Helps children identify solutions to problems that arise during play (what are we going to do, I can't feed the baby, there is no food in the house. I have to buy some from the shop).
• Encourages children to preserve at a task (remaining involved in a play episode for an increasing amount of time).
• Assists children in identifying and planning play episodes with others (you be the shopkeeper and I'll buy the food).
• Improves fine motor skills (putting on dress up clothes and fastening, unbuttoning, zipping etc).
• Allows children to arrange objects according to size (cleaning up props and returning them to labelled places).
• Use symbols to represent real objects and situations (using a block to represent a telephone).
• Addresses fears and worries (trying out new roles and re-playing difficult and scary experiences).
• Children learn to play co-operatively with others (taking turns and sharing materials).
safety issues
check for broken items
. ensure space is adequate
. check for small items that may be potential choking hazards
resources/materals required
Abig doll house,lots of toys related with house play.
strategies to foster children's interests
. observe play and make sure that children are playing appropriately.
. model appropriate behaviour expectations if necessary.
. encourage the children to keep the items in home corner to avoid potential tripping/slipping hazards.
. Keeping the items clean and hygenic. If you see a child with something in their mouth, explain about germs and putting things in their mouths, remove the item from the area and place in a basket marked soiled toys which can be washed at the end of the day
EYLF Outcomes
Children have a strong sense of identity - Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect. E.g.” express a wide range of emotions, thoughts and views constructively.” (p.24)
Children are connected with and contribute to their world - Children respond to diversity with respect. E.g. “plan experiences and provide resources that broaden children’s perspectives and encourage appreciation of diversity.” (p.27)
Children are effective communicators - Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media. E.g. “use language and engage in play to imagine and create roles, scripts, and ideas.” (p.42)
Children are effective communicators - Children use information and communication technologies to access information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking. E.g. “Provide children with access to a range of technologies.” (p.44)
Please have a look and suggest whether am I on a right track or do i need to correct anything? thank you so much in advance you are a great help indeed
Designing and Setiing Up Play Areas
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Re: designing and setting up play areas. RESEARCH
hello,will you please have a look on this research as I need to submit the assignment on coming Saturday,plz suggest whether I am on the right track or not.thanks,I appreciate your help a lot.
Re: Designing and Setiing Up Play Areas
Yes, I think you're on the right track with this response! 

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