CHCPR301A - Children & Play HLTOHS300A - Reporting OH&S Issues

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CHCPR301A - Children & Play HLTOHS300A - Reporting OH&S Issues

Post by aus22 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:51 pm

Hi Everyone,

I would very much appreciate a bit of help, I am very close to finishing my cert 3 and stuck with a few assignments.

Well the first on CHCPR301A was a class task that I wasn't there for, so really just need an understanding of some of these questions.

1) How can we participate in children's play without being intrusive?
2) How can we encourage children in their play?
3) How can we model play? How can we collaborate with children in play?
4) How do you take an interest in the child's play?
5) Be aware of boredom or frustration signs. How are you going to regain a child's interest and attention, before the behaviour turns negative?
6) What can you do for a child hesitant to join in?
7) How can you encourage children to allow other children to join in their play?

The next one is OHS HLTOHS300A


You have noticed two occupational hazards whilst on your practical placement. One is an issue with staff not washing their hands and wearing gloves, the other is lack of lighting in the storeroom.

1) Who would you report these issues to? How would you raise the issues to ensure ohs principles apply.
2) Write at least two paragraphs explaining when and how you could contribute to workplance occupational health and safety discussions, including working with less experienced members of the workgroup.

I need to complete these ASAP, so help would be appreciated thank you :)
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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by aus22 » Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:44 pm

Please somebody point me in the right direction, I have to hand this in tomorrow.

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Re: CHCPR301A - Children & Play HLTOHS300A - Reporting OH&S Issues

Post by Lorina » Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:59 pm

Hi Aus 22,

I found some information that should help you out with your first assignment. Have a read through it and it should give you an idea on how to answer your questions.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Assignment 2:

1) Who would you report these issues to? How would you raise the issues to ensure ohs principles apply.

I would report these issues to the centre director. I would explain what I had observed with the 2 staff members not wearing gloves and what hygiene issues that can cause. I would also mention about the inadequate lighting in the store room and that it can cause a potential hazard which may arise. For e.g. staff not looking where there going, tripping over things etc.

2) Write at least two paragraphs explaining when and how you could contribute to workplace occupational health and safety discussions, including working with less experienced members of the workgroup.

If you noticed a potential hazard in the workplace then it should be raised to all that is put at risk. Depending on the centre many select a member of staff to be a oh&s officer. If you do find a hazard in the work place this is to be reported to the oh&s officer. The oh&s officer will determine how dangerous it is, the potential danger and a solution to try and get fixed. There are often times when there will be opportunities to attend workshops and then you report back to your centre about the information you gathered. This will allow you to gain knowledge in oh&s matters and begin to report what you observe around the centre.

When working with less experienced members of the workgroup it's ideal to mention and point out and oh&s issues that may arise. Such as wearing correct shoes, mopping up spills, checking environment for dangerous equipment. It's important to make others aware of the potential hazards and coming up with a solution to try and minimize the risk for all of those involved.

Now you should be able to complete your assignments and get some sleep :D ...


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Re: CHCPR301A - Children & Play HLTOHS300A - Reporting OH&S Issues

Post by aus22 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:20 am

Thank you for your help L.A,

Just wondering why you said you would talk to the director about the handwashing and lighting issues instead of oh&s rep? I am just questioning this because I thought it would be the oh&s rep. So maybe I was wrong.

Thanks again for your help :)

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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by aus22 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:24 am

Another question I have is, as an assistant are you allowed to fill out the hazard report? Or is this different with each centre?

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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by Lorina » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:03 pm

Hi Aus22,
Just wondering why you said you would talk to the director about the handwashing and lighting issues instead of oh&s rep?

When you're on work placement it's best to go directly to the director with any concerns or issues that you may have. There may have been a reason why gloves weren't used or the lighting issue has already been taken care of. You could also go to the oh&s rep as well but I think it's best to approach the director first regarding these issues if you noticed it during your work placement.

Another question I have is, as an assistant are you allowed to fill out the hazard report? Or is this different with each centre?

I think you are able to fill out a hazard report, I don't see why not...I think with a hazard report you will need to get it co-signed by another staff member. If this is the case then an assistant can probably fill it out as well...

Did you manage to get your assignment in on time? Also please update this topic if there is any other useful information you could share with others...


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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by aus22 » Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:21 pm

Thanks for your help :) I haven't handed in my assignment, because I am really stressed out, trying to finish my cert 3 and sorting/packing/moving at the same time. I asked my trainer if I could hand all my assignments in next thursday. So I hope I can get them all done by then, but at least I know if I need any help, there are some lovely people here that can help me.

With the OHS assignment, I started this assignment on my own as I hadnt had any replies from here yet. I am not sure if my answers are okay, I have trouble wording things. I will post below what I have written, please let me know what you think.

Why do you think it is so important that every single worker in children's services has a clear understanding of OHS guidlines and legislation?

It is important that every single worker in children's services has a clear understanding of OHS guidlines and legislation because OHS involves the health and safety of yourself, other staff, children, parents and any visitors to the centre. It is important to notify the OHS rep of any hazards you come across so they can be risk assessed and dealt with appropriately to protect the health and safety of everyone who enters the centre from illness, harm or injury.

You have noticed two occupational hazards whilst on your pratical placement. One is an issue with staff not washing their hands and wearing gloves, the other is lack of lighting in a storeroom.

1. Who would you report these issues to? How would you raise the issues to ensure OHS principles apply?

I would report the hazards by the staff members not washing their hands and the lack of lighting in the storeroom to the OHS rep.

I would explain to the OHS rep my concerns and why I think it is a hazard to make sure OHS principles apply.

If I was responsible for filling out the hazard report form I would have to include:

-What the hazard is?
-Why is it a hazard?
-Severity/how likely?
-Priority of control
-How can the hazard be fixed?

2. Write at least 2 paragraphs explaining when and how you should contribute to workplace occupational health and safety discussions, including working with less experienced members of the workgroup.

2. Contributing to workplace occupational health and safety discussions can be daily, as the hazards arise and at staff meetings.

If I saw a less experienced staff member not applying OHS principles to their work I would talk to them and show them the correct ways to do things. If they asked me questions on OHS I would tell them what I know and let them know where they can find more information.

I would report this to the OHS rep, as it may be that the person needs more training.

Contributing to discussions could be talking amongst other staff and OHS rep if you have any questions or concerns.

Another time for OHS discussion is during a staff meeting. Making sure I am aware of OHS policies and procedures, The OHS Act, regulations and code of practice. When electing an OHS rep for the centre.

This is what I got on my own, please let me know what you think?

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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by aus22 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:05 am

Is what I have done okay?

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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by Lorina » Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:23 pm

Hi Aus22,

Thank you so much for providing the information you have found for this assignment...

I had a read through your answer and it seems to be alright.. I really can't think of anything else you can add so great job :D !

Also we understand that you are wanting to complete your assignment and submit it on time but please give at least 2 days to get a response. Just note that the team and others who do help you out are doing so on their free time... if you still haven't received a response for more than 3 days then by all means you can follow it up within the topic.

I appreciate your understanding and happy to have you as part of this site :mrgreen: !

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by aus22 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:58 pm

Thanks, I have been so busy moving houses and trying to finish up my assignments at the same time and its been very stressful. Well the moving part has happened, I am just going to focus on my last couple of assignments I need to do and hope to hand everything in tuesday :) Hopefully I will pass everything and have my cert 3 :)

The assignment I am working on at the moment is another OHS assignment and I need to use 3 major OHS examples, I have chosen manual handling and Infectous disease control and need to chose another, but not sure what I should chose. I have to research and write about how they prevent these issues and how they deal with them. With the manual handling, I looked up on of the websites the teacher suggested and have taken some points and written them basically word for word, but not the whole article of course. I was just wondering am I allowed to do this if I reference the website I got the info from, or do I need to put qoutations and a reference? Or will I need to rewrite it in my own words? Any suggestions for the 3rd major OHS issue?

Thanks so much for your help, I do appreciate it.


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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by Lorina » Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:40 pm

Hi Aus22,

You sound very busy with everything that is going on with you at the moment....

The OH&S issues that you came up with are great. I've got a few ideas on the third issue. You can pick which one you want to cover. They include:

- Food Preparation & Handling

-Hazardous Substances

-Injury Management

I think the best option will be Food Preparation and Handling. You could discuss the daily nutritional intake in foods for children, safe food preparation, storing food correctly in a fridge or freezer, thawing food, safe cooking, serving food and storing food.

When researching information for your assignments it's best to read it and then try and summarize the information you read in your own words. The teachers are wanting to see if you understand the question for yourself, they aren't asking you to find the correct information and write it word for word. I know at times it can be tough not to copy because everything is there when you need it but once you read it, take a second and then write the information you read. However if you do copy information, you will need to reference it.

Good Luck with your move!


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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by lien » Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:55 am

[quote="aus22 explain why it is important for carers to model positive attitudes towards diversity

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Re: Just a little help with finishing my cert 3 please

Post by Lorina » Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:43 am

lien wrote:[quote="aus22 explain why it is important for carers to model positive attitudes towards diversity
Please start a new topic for your question.


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