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Post by Bekster76 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:03 pm


I've only just recently started my CHC30708 Certificate III in Children's Services and I'm currently working on my first assignment CHCCS400B. I am totally frustrated with my online institution as I believe they have given me incorrect questions for my course. Initially the assignment tells me I have 10 case studies to answer but when I scroll down I only have 5 case study questions. Secondly, only CS1 and CS2 are about child care and then the remaining 3 are questions that relate to working in/as a youth worker. Totally unrelated to anything child care specific.

I logged on to the help/support line tonight and the tutor is insisting that the questions are part of the course and I find it BIZARRE. What does abortion or STD's have to do with looking after children??? I was not happy or convinced with her answers and have sent an email to the institution.

I guess in a long winded way I just wanted to ask what case study questions does everyone else have? I had CS1 room leader leaving me unattended in preschooler room, CS2 Kay dealing with stressful situation....the next CS is;

Case studies/scenarios 3 (CS3)
Read the case study below and answer the question that follows.
Jan is a youth worker and is assisting young women in supported accommodation. Liza comes to her to tell her she is pregnant and to ask for her help to arrange for an abortion. Jan is a staunch Right to Life advocate and is against abortion, so this is a great dilemma for her as she also values self-determination.
She explains to Liza that she has these conflicting inner values and asks Liza to consider asking another worker to support her, through this process.
Do you think Jan has responded professionally to this situation?

And like I said the remaining CS follow the lines of the above. I am surely correct in assuming they have given me the wrong questions???

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Post by Lorina » Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:22 am

Ok so I did a quick search on google with your module number and I want to confirm that this unit is "work within a legal and ethical environment". I found one of the topic guides from another institute based on the same module number you provided and the questions differ from the case studies you received. I'll add the link below so you can check it out. ... VIEWED.pdf

I know it probably seems like the questions are not Childcare related but every institute approaches the topics differently. If you are doing "work within a legal and ethical environment" the case studies that you have been provided with are there for you to understand how legally and ethically you would handle the situation whether or not it has to do with Childcare. I understand that this is your first step towards Childcare and you're probably freaking out a little but it's ok! I assure you that within the course some questions make no sense to working in Childcare itself (great, huh!)!

I'm sure we've all had times when we read a question and thought "what the hell"... :giggle:


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Post by fchaudari76 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:16 am

The case study seems more like one for someone doing community services/social work rather than children's services.

I have seen a lot of questions from various institutions but never one that approaches these subjects.

Your tutor could be confused and has got it wrong so rightly so you have contacted the study provider directly. Hopefully they will sort it out.

What study provider is this btw? Some are pretty big and often mix things up and tutors are bogged down with work and so many students they cannot dedicate time and the proper effort to each student either which is sad.

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Post by Bekster76 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:00 am

Thanks for the reply. I agree I think it relates to social work. However, like I said she did insist that they were relevant questions for my course but I'm just not convinced. I've seen other questions relevant to this assignment and they are all child based.

I'm doing the course online through JTI (Job Training Institute).

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Post by Bekster76 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:18 pm

Arghhh I am so conflicted with these case study questions. I have got absolutely no response from my training institute despite speaking online, sending an email and also ringing them. I decided tonight to just go ahead and answer the questions because I just want to keep moving on through the course. However, one of the questions is: "Do you believe Liza has the right to seek an abortion?"

What does it matter at all what I think? That is a bit personal or am I totally not getting the course??

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Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:58 pm

These are certainly not childcare related questions. I wouldn't try and do them. I would go and see your study provider or keep calling them until they take this seriously.
I have never ever come across any children's services units that have a case study like this. I mean it makes NO sense. You would not face such a situation in childcare unless they think somehow children that young get pregnant and have to think of abortion!!!!!!

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Post by Bekster76 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:05 pm

It is ridiculous isn't it? I have been sitting on my hands for days and days not wanting to answer them because they are just so inappropriate for my course. I did however tonight answer the questions but made a note to the assessor about my concerns and that I have answered the questions to the best of my ability given they are unrelated to childcare and that I was not provided with any reading resources to support such questions and that JTI have not been responsive at all either confirming that the questions are correct or offering me any advice. VERY VERY UNHAPPY. I want to learn about children and childcare!

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