Aesthetic and creative development- CHCFC301A, CHCPR301A, CHCPR303D

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Aesthetic and creative development- CHCFC301A, CHCPR301A, CHCPR303D

Post by Sadie1 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:11 pm

hey i really need some help with these questions would be great! thank you!!

1. think of what you offer in your program that encourages children to express themselves creatively? list 5 experiences

2. Art- where does this fit into the equation? What is your art program? How much of the art program relies on an end product?

consider the following case study:

Joshua sits at the table where there is a range of pasting objects and paste. He gets a large piece of paper and begins sticking shapes onto it. He sticks down a circle, then a square, then he takes them off and sticks down a triangle. He takes is off and sticks on some pipe cleaners.

He sticks and takes offa number of pieces for the 15 min that he is sitting at the table. At the end of the 15 min he has only one shape stuck down. What do you do and why?

consider these comments and document your answer:

What does a childcare professional who wont sing tell children about singing?

What does a childcare professional who wont dance tell children?

What does a childcare professional who never works with clay or use the paints tell children about these medians?

What does a childcare professional who never makes up stories or nonsense songs tell children about their imagination?


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Re: Aesthetic and creative development- CHCFC301A, CHCPR301A, CHCPR303D

Post by Lorina » Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:13 am

Hi Nicolep,

I completely understand that you require help for this assignment. However, I will like to point out that in order to get support from our forum you will need to post your response as well for each of the questions you have submitted. So, for each of the questions listed let us know what you have already understood by posting up your answers and we will be more than happy to look over your answers and add any further information to support your response if required. Please read our forum rules for further information.

1. think of what you offer in your program that encourages children to express themselves creatively? list 5 experiences

Have a think about what creative experiences you could offer children within the program... it doesn't have to be just art n craft, it can be dancing, drawing, painting, playing musical instruments, dressing up etc.

2. Art- where does this fit into the equation? What is your art program? How much of the art program relies on an end product?

What type of art experiences do the children participate in? Does it include painting, pasting and collaging, experimenting with different mediums (such as textas, chalk, crayons, etc.). Think about the importance of the process of creating the art rather than the end product. For example, if you set up a painting experience for the children as they paint and begin to mix colours together, they will soon realize that new colours can be formed. I would also like to suggest an article called Art n Craft For Kids which is available on this site, in Resources, under Childcare Professional. This explains the benefits a child gains when participating in art n craft.

For your last question have a think about how important it is as a childcare professional to model and demonstrate to the children the correct and appropriate way to get involved in the activities provided. The children look up to us and we need to engage in the children's program as much as the children do to help support and encourage them.

Hopefully this should give you an idea on what to include in your answer... Just post your response up and I'll be more than happy to check it for you!

Cheers :geek:,

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