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This template is used for an educator to share details about themselves. 

This template is used by educators to display their daily room routine within the room. 

This is a child information form to be filled in by parents.

This form is for a student to fill in and display at the centre during work placement. 

The School Open Day template is a display poster that can be used to provide information to families in the preschool room on any school open days that the parents can attend, within the surrounding areas which they may be interested in enrolling their child in the next year.

The "Educational Leader Checklist template" is for the educational leaders of a service. 

The Transition To School Statement template gives important information to the child's school teacher to support the child have a successful start to school.

This Sustainability Checklist template enables centres to determine if they practice energy saving.

This Sustainability Checklist template identifies if the centre is reducing and storing hazardous chemicals within the service.

This Sustainability Checklist Template helps centres to identify and explore ways of minimising water consumption.

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