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As an Educator, you are involved in the day to day running of the service. At times you are also witnessing to the services breach of regulations, staff misconduct or aspects of the service that you believe is unethical. If…
The following is a guide for Educators who are toilet training children within their room. It will provide you with information and strategies on how to assist young children during toilet training during the day in an early childhood setting.
When you're looking for a new Educator to join the team, you want someone who is knowledgeable, may have had some experience and is qualified. However, at times you may be suspicious due to the qualification the Educator has received…
Quality Area 7 has two standards that focus on governance and leadership at the service.
Quality Area 6 has two standards that support building collaborative partnerships with families and communities to enhance children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing as they transition through the early years into school and/or attend outside school hours care services.
Quality Area 5 has two standards that focus on relationships between educators and children, and between children and their peers.
Quality Area 4 has two standards that focus on the organisation and professionalism of educators, staff and management.
Quality Area 3 has two standards that focus on the design of service facilities and the use of the service’s physical environment to support children’s experiences.
Quality Area 2 has two standards that focus on children’s health and safety.
Quality Area 1 has three standards that focus on the educational program, educational practice, and assessment and planning for each child’s learning and development.
Quality Area 7 focuses on effective leadership and governance of the service to establish and maintain quality environments for children’s learning and development.
Quality Area 6 focuses on supportive, respectful relationships with families which are fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children. Community partnerships that are based on active communication, consultation and collaboration also contribute to children’s inclusion, learning and wellbeing.
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