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It is not uncommon for educators to confide that transitions tend to be the most difficult time in a typical ECEC day. At such times children often display or increase the intensity of challenging behaviours like non-compliance, aggression, biting, and…
Research indicates children have better chances of achieving positive developmental and life outcomes when their families are constructively involved in their learning across settings – ranging from home and early years services to schools. Here are a few strategies for…
Jackson Pollock was an American artist who painted in the abstract expressionist style. He is best known for works created by dripping and splashing paint on a large canvas that would lie flat on the floor. Additionally, he would often…
Among the most contentious issues in early childhood, settings are biting, though it is widely acknowledged by early educators and behavioural experts to be a common feature of the toddler years. Here are some guidelines to help you and your…
Considered one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso is famous for a style of painting known as Cubism. As opposed to traditional art which depicts three-dimensional figures as they might appear to a human eye –…
Oscar-Claude Monet was a pioneer of the French Impressionist style of painting. According to this, an artist’s impressions of a landscape or object are more important than how it really looks. Yet another feature of his art was the painting…
Andy Warhol was one of the most famous American artists of the latter half of the 20th century. Born Andrew Warhola in 1928 in Pennsylvania, he originally worked as a commercial artist, designing commercials and window displays for stores. He…
Creative arts offer children - through dance, crafts, music, art or drama – some of the most enjoyable ways to express their ideas and imagination. Along along with providing opportunities for freewheeling thinking, creative pursuits bring many developmental and learning…
Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh has been widely acclaimed as one of the greatest figures in the history of art. His works exude intense emotional power with their vivid colours and bold brushstrokes. Described as Post-impressionist, Van Gogh’s paintings paved…
Respect for Diversity is one of the main principles that underpin the Belonging, Becoming and Being: Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Thus it is mandatory for services and educators to use practice that incorporates diverse cultures, especially in monocultural…
EYLF curriculum, Belonging, Being, Becoming recognises the significance of artistic exploration in the early years. According to Element 5.3 “Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts” Educators can bring about this outcome when they…
Painting is one of the most vibrant ways that young children can experience the wonder of Art. Exploring the world of colours, textures, lines and forms can not only help children express their creativity and emotions but facilitate physical, cognitive…
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