This is a simple and funny action song about sea creatures moving through the water before GULP is eaten by something a little bigger...before a humongous whale comes and BURP! This is great for children learning about different types of sea creatures.
Through engaging with translations of a song into a number of different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, children will develop a shared appreciation of, and pride in, the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
It's time to sleep.
It's time for bed
Get jammies on then lay down my head
But I'm not tired,
Can't fall asleep
What shall I do?
Let's count some sheep!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Now we counted up to 10,
Still not asleep.
Let's count again!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Night Night!
Sleep Tight!
Laugh and Learn "Counting Sheep To Sleep", Fisher-Price, YOUTUBE 27 September 2016
Johnny works with one hammer (children hammer with one hand)
One hammer one hammer
Johnny works with one hammer,
Johnny works with two.
Johnny works with two hammers (children hammer with two hands)…
Two hammers two hammers
Johnny works with twp hammer,
Johnny works with three.
Johnny works with three hammers (children hammer with two hands and one leg)…
three hammers three hammers
Johnny works with three hammers,
Johnny works with four
Johnny works with four hammers (children hammer with both hands and both legs)
Four hammers four hammers
Johnny works with four hammers,
Johnny works with five
Johnny works with five hammers (children hammer with both hands, both legs, and head)
Five hammers five hammers
Johnny works with five hammers
Johnny’s work is DONE!
Hints and Tips
Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went ‘pop’ and the other went ‘bang’
Now there’s eight fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Eight fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Eight fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went ‘pop’ and the other went ‘bang’
Now there’s six fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Six fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Six fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went ‘pop’ and the other went ‘bang’
Now there’s four fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Four fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Four fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went ‘pop’ and the other went ‘bang’
Now there’s two fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Two fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Two fat sausages sizzling in a pan
One went ‘pop’ and the other went ‘bang’
Now there’s no fat sausages sizzling in a pan
No fat sausages sizzling in a pan
No fat sausages sizzling in a pan
Ten went ‘bang’, ‘bang’, ‘bang’, ‘bang’
Now there’s no fat sausages sizzling in a pan
When you feel like something’s tickling your nose
And you really, really, really wanna sneeze
Don’t hold it back, that’s the way it goes
When you really, really, really wanna sneeze
Don’t be shy (Achoo!)
Don’t be shy (Achoo!)
When you really, really, really wanna sneeze
Wipe your nose (Achoo!)
Wipe your nose (Achoo!)
When you really, really, really wanna sneeze
When you’re sniffing all the flowers and you’re playing in the sun
And you really, really, really wanna sneeze
You can cover up your mouth, wash your hands when you’re done
When you really, really, really wanna sneeze
If you’re allergic or you’re sick, or you’re tickled by a feather
And you really, really, really wanna sneeze
Don’t worry too much, it could just be the weather
When you really, really, really wanna sneeze
Cocomelon, The Sneezing Song, Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs, YouTube
Grab the soap
Let’s have some fun
It’s time to sing the HappyHandz song
Wash your hands
Scrub Scrub ScrubbaDubbaDub
Nice and clean
Scrub Scrub ScrubbaDubbaDub
Front and back
Scrub Scrub ScrubbaDubbaDub
And fingers in-between.
Scrub your nails
Scrub Scrub ScrubbaDubbaDub
Monkey grip
Scrub Scrub ScrubbaDubbaDub
Twist your thumbs
Scrub Scrub ScrubbaDubbaDub
Clean your wrists
You’re nearly done!
It’s time to rinse
Not a germ insight
Grab a towel
And dry them right
All clean
Scrub Scrub ScrubbaDubbaDub
Now we’ve got Happy Clean Handz!
HappyHandz, Hygiene and Kids
What happens if there is a fire?
Do you know what to do? Oh!
Get out! Quick, get out!
Get out! Quick, get out!
Get out! Quick, get out!
Stay very low and go. Go!
What happens if there is a fire?
Do you know what to do? Oh!
Stay out! Don't go back!
Stay out! Don't go back!
Stay out! Don't go back!
Don't go back to the house. No!
What happens if there is a fire?
Do you know what to do? Oh!
Get help! Call for help!
Get help! Call for help!
Get help! Call for help!
Call 000 for help! Oh!
- Sung to the tune of BINGO-
The Early Years Learning Framework describes the curriculum as “all the interactions, experiences, activities, routines...
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