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2.4% Wage Increase For Educators

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2.4% Wage Increase For Educators

From the 01 July 2016,  the Fair Work commission has announced a 2.4% increase to minimum wages. This will apply from the first full pay period starting on or after 1 July 2016.

The increase will apply to employees that get their pay rates from their award (Children's Services Award 2010). This means if you are currently earning the minimum hourly wage stated in the Children's Services Award 2010, your minimum hourly wage will increase by 2.4% from 01 July 2016.

For example:

Level 3.1 - Cert 3 Qualified Children's Services Employee current minimum wage is $20.13/per hour. As of 01 July 2016, it increases to around $20.61/per hour.

Level 4.1 - Diploma Qualified Children's Services Employee current minimum wage is $23.71. As of 01, July 2016 it increases to around $24.27/per hour.

We will also update our wage table in our article Childcare Wages In Australia once the new rates become available and will let you know once this happens.


Fair Work Ombudsman

Last modified on Wednesday, November 16, 2016
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