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$24 Million Funding Available For Preschools in NSW

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$24 Million Funding Available For Preschools in NSW Mat Molinari

Implementing a preschool program in the early childhood setting enables children to develop their developmental skills in key learning areas such as literacy, numeracy and self help skills.

By developing these skills educators will be assisting each individual child's short and long term success at school. It is also a crucial stage to build positive relationships with each child as this is essential in developing their self esteem which will assist each child to make effective transitions from the early childhood setting to the school environment.

To support the delivery of preschool programs for four and five-year-old children in the year before school, the government has announced that $23.6 million will be made available to Long Day Care Centres, in NSW.

The funding will be made available to long day care services in 2016 through the Long Day Care National Partnership Grants Program, part of an agreement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments to increase participation in preschool programs for four and five year old children in the year before school.

The payments will start at $300 per child, rising to $675 for children from Aboriginal families or enrolled in disadvantaged areas. 

Services will be able to use the funding for resources, developing a preschool program based on the Early Years Learning Framework, and developing staff, including upgrading qualifications.

For more information on how to apply for the grant: LDC National Partnerships Grant

Last modified on Wednesday, November 16, 2016
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