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Language Development for School Age

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Language Development for School Age

The language development of a school age child is quite vast and typically a wide variety of words are used to communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings. They often get over excited while talking, which may result in stuttering but normally this is only temporary. At this age, speech is of second nature and both speech and language are easily understood. School age children will also enjoy manipulating words by mimicking or teasing and begin to experiment with popular school chants and tongue twisters. Riddles and jokes are also common by this stage as they continue to build upon their vocabulary.

Language Development Milestones from 6 years+

  • makes few grammatical errors while speaking
  • understands opposites
  • may begin to stutter when excited or tired (typically only temporary)
  • uses and understands prepositions (in, out, over, under, etc.) and personal pronouns (I, me, myself, etc.)
  • understands analogies
  • uses simple comprehension in family, social environments and school
  • begins to experiment with tongue twisters
  • communicates effectively in social settings (school, playground, and classroom)
  • knows similarities and opposites
  • able to communicate efficiently with peers and adults
  • understands and uses more complex grammar
  • understands within the classroom
  • enjoys riddles and telling jokes

During this stage, school age children have an increased awareness of vocabulary and words which they continue to extend as they learn new words. Conversations are a lot more detailed and can be sustained for a longer period of time, than previously. Overall at this point, a school age child will develop a wider vocabulary and will seek meaning and use of new words learnt. This is definitely the time to extend upon language development by introducing new and exciting words that they can use in the future.

Created On January 5, 2015 Last modified on Monday, January 5, 2015
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