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Fine Motor Development for Babies 12-24 months

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Fine Motor Development for Babies 12-24 months Liza

Babies will spend most of their time watching the world around them, taking in information, getting directly involved and often combining both touch and sight which is often referred to as fine motor development.

Fine Motor Development Milestones

From 12 to 18 months

Babies are able to do much more for themselves during this stage. They have improved attention span which enables them to cope with more challenging fine motor activities. At times a baby will concentrate while performing a certain task as they try to complete the activity.

Milestones Achieved

  • is able to hold two items in each hand at the same time
  • enjoys making marks on paper with crayons or pencils
  • hits pegs into a peg board with a hammer
  • puts hands up when putting on a jumper/top to wear
  • likes playing with moving objects
  • enjoys making marks on paper with crayons or pencils
  • starts to feed self with hands and a spoon
  • hand preference may become apparent
  • claps hands together
  • is able to see a connection between hand movements and the effect this causes
  • scribbles spontaneously
  • scribbles with pencil or crayon held in fist
  • turns over container to pour out contents
  • tries to use spoon/fork

From 18 to 24 months

A baby's increased confidence will enable them to try harder games and puzzles. Towards the end of this stage, babies will have a growing curiosity about children of their age. Though they may not yet play co-operatively, babies will be watching closely how others interact. This will enable them to play with toys and games that they weren't interested in before.

Milestones Achieved

  • enjoys manipulating play dough, clay, sand and water
  • makes shapes and drawing “pictures” on paper
  • likes rolling, throwing, catching balls both large and small
  • stacks small wooden blocks on top of each other to make a tower
  • pours water from a container
  • enjoys looking at books
  • studies pictures that or interest and begins to turn pages
  • participates in dressing and undressing of themselves
  • combines index finger and thumb in a pincer grip to pick up small objects
  • is able to feed self with a spoon
  • makes rhythmic sounds with simple musical instruments such as drums and shakers
  • builds tower of four blocks or more
  • turns pages of book, two or three pages at a time
  • finger feeds efficiently

Babies will develop through curiosity and concentration, when they are provided plenty of opportunities to complete fine motor tasks. This will enable a baby the confidence to strengthen their new learnt skills.

Created On January 5, 2015 Last modified on Monday, January 5, 2015
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